Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for September 18, 2015
December war on christmas issue National Georgrafox Our first issue under new partnership with fox Polar bear we've got nine species of bears is the white kind really all that necessary? Evolution disproved 780 New human skull discovered : beloved to be just another type of ape on Noahs ark. Photo Essay 799 A beautiful, remote village with strange and exotic customs Should we bomb it or build a wall iy and us Living Among the Liberals 820 "I learned to communicate with this clan Cambridge,MA by pointing to words in Das Capital" Trickle - down space exploration 831 How giving tax breaks to the rich is indispensable to gaining a profound understanding of our place in the Universe. Our new science columnist Bill O'reilly weighs in on Climate change and Microcephalism 853 "God controls the climate pinheads! Fair Balanced
National Geographic has always had a political bent, producing multiple laudatory articles about the US’s favourite dictatorships. I can recall reading favourable articles about South Vietnam, Chile, South Africa, Taiwan, South Korea and Iran under the Shah. There were many others.