Wallace the Brave by Will Henry for August 12, 2015
Wallace: Amelia says babies come from storks. Is that true? Mr. McClellan: Depends: I mean, your mother and I found you in the woodpile on a snowy night. We thought you were a log until you thawed and started cryin' by the wood stove. Wallace: What? Mr. McClellan: And I think you brother was a return to sender gone screwy...
NWdryad over 9 years ago
I sense a seriously maladjusted future adult in the works…
iainrmw over 9 years ago
I thought they found him in the mail box.
Goblinopolis over 9 years ago
At least he wasn’t a Blue Light Special from K-Mart.
benlse1 over 9 years ago
All just as plausible as storks.
Justin Lucas over 9 years ago
anything is possible…i was born in another dimension.
Lamberger over 9 years ago
I was stuck in the Bat Cave for nine months….
Tijaro about 4 years ago
Who wants to join my betting pool that Sterling is a crazed harbinger of doom
me_the_polish_gull over 3 years ago
Just tell whole the truth, if you want to disgust your kid from having sex.
Ed The Red Premium Member about 2 years ago
Over the years, there will be many different versions of where Wallace and Sterling came from.
Bill Löhr Premium Member 8 months ago
It looks like Will’s signature is under its own small stormy cloud.