Widdershins by Kate Ashwin for October 21, 2019

  1. Missing large
    Katsen13  about 5 years ago

    Hm, simultaneously the best and worst timing there. It snapped him out of his trance, sure, but…

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  2. Trespassers will..
    Trespassers W  about 5 years ago

    It would be funny if “hangman” were the failsafe word!

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  3. 240eaac0 73ff 442c a7a3 8b44de555119
    elizabethvshaffer  about 5 years ago

    Well, that’s one way to shut him up. Smelling salts, anyone?

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    scyphi26  about 5 years ago

    Well, those students below them have been drinking…hopefully they’re not sober enough to remember all of this in the morning?

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  5. Dresdentvtimage 7908
    bob-droid12  about 5 years ago

    Sad thing is, even if they prove Sharpe’s innocence; they’ll still get in trouble for damaging those vents.

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  6. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  about 5 years ago

    Wow… Will looks like a completely different person when he’s not so smug.

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  7. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  about 5 years ago

    Panel Six… Everyone is pretty much thinking the same thing.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Whops si daisy!

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  9. Caligo uranus d
    Taracinablue  about 5 years ago

    Wow! I didn’t expect Knotty to actually spill the beans. Well done telling the truth, Knotty, but perhaps not the greatest place.

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