Not sure what Arachnida is missing. WD hasn’t changed all that much. Roy has always lived in his own little world based on shows he believes are real. Jay has always reacted cynically to most things. And today is the first day this week we touched on geek culture. The week started with another of Rita’s bad ideas, and that was strictly to do with the business. The way I see it, the strip has expanded to include a variety of themes and characters, it’s broader rather than narrower, and perhaps some just don’t appeal to some readers.
Not sure what Arachnida is missing. WD hasn’t changed all that much. Roy has always lived in his own little world based on shows he believes are real. Jay has always reacted cynically to most things. And today is the first day this week we touched on geek culture. The week started with another of Rita’s bad ideas, and that was strictly to do with the business. The way I see it, the strip has expanded to include a variety of themes and characters, it’s broader rather than narrower, and perhaps some just don’t appeal to some readers.