Hackenschmidt gently poked at the field. "Perhaps slightly more effective than the method used in one other office I know of. They hired the 24th Regiment of Foot, and barred the way by singing lusty choruses of “Men of Harlech.” Ah, they don’t make anti-boss barriers like that, any more. See, you can’t get Michael Caine. Not a lot of people know that."
I wish I had that when corporate came visiting and Loss Prevention rifled through my desk. (Everything there had a receipt even if it was bought elsewhere). There was an entrenched idea among long term employees like myself that they do that to make you quit or stop you from collecting your retirement. I woke up one day and told myself I’m done and went to the union to file my retirement papers, it only took 35 years for them to get under my skin.
Kiba65 2 months ago
Force field?
pschearer Premium Member 2 months ago
Yes, what’s this about?
E.Z. Smith Premium Member 2 months ago
Doctor Strange thingy?
Kroykali 2 months ago
I’m a little fuzzy on this one.
papajim545 2 months ago
The cone of silence?
phritzg Premium Member 2 months ago
I’ll let others explain where it’s from. All I know is I want one of these.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator 2 months ago
Some readers haven’t figured this one out. It’s all right. We know that not everyone has seen all the Star Wars movies.
EOCostello 2 months ago
Hackenschmidt gently poked at the field. "Perhaps slightly more effective than the method used in one other office I know of. They hired the 24th Regiment of Foot, and barred the way by singing lusty choruses of “Men of Harlech.” Ah, they don’t make anti-boss barriers like that, any more. See, you can’t get Michael Caine. Not a lot of people know that."
95 2 months ago
Which one’s enclosed? Works for Dana either way, but better for the rest of staff if it’s Rita.
Smeagol 2 months ago
I wish I had that when corporate came visiting and Loss Prevention rifled through my desk. (Everything there had a receipt even if it was bought elsewhere). There was an entrenched idea among long term employees like myself that they do that to make you quit or stop you from collecting your retirement. I woke up one day and told myself I’m done and went to the union to file my retirement papers, it only took 35 years for them to get under my skin.