Ahh, Klaude you must be on the Eastern Coast of my Kingdom…perchance a Maih-nah from the land of the Lob-stah? Or a Bahstoner…or even a Floridian from the lush everglades? Or from abroad from the Irish Motherland of Erin? Wait I hear a sound of calamity from the Castle gate…Ta ta! I go to affix my blade for battle!
Ahh, Klaude you must be on the Eastern Coast of my Kingdom…perchance a Maih-nah from the land of the Lob-stah? Or a Bahstoner…or even a Floridian from the lush everglades? Or from abroad from the Irish Motherland of Erin? Wait I hear a sound of calamity from the Castle gate…Ta ta! I go to affix my blade for battle!