Here in the UK organic and free range is sufficiently mainstream that it’s no longer much very more expensive than the other stuff – maybe about 30% extra. I can get 6 free range eggs for £1 in Scotmid – although actual free range chickens are nearly twice the cost of non-free. But if you want to buy the super-humane dairy products produced by Cow Nation (calves stay with their mothers, old cows get to enjoy a long and happy retirement) that’s still very expensive because it’s still too small a movement to get its supplies in bulk. But it will get cheaper the more it catches on.
Here in the UK organic and free range is sufficiently mainstream that it’s no longer much very more expensive than the other stuff – maybe about 30% extra. I can get 6 free range eggs for £1 in Scotmid – although actual free range chickens are nearly twice the cost of non-free. But if you want to buy the super-humane dairy products produced by Cow Nation (calves stay with their mothers, old cows get to enjoy a long and happy retirement) that’s still very expensive because it’s still too small a movement to get its supplies in bulk. But it will get cheaper the more it catches on.