Teaching the kiddies “You will conform to the christian world view or there will be repercussions” is not sane. At best it teaches them to be little hypocrites. At worst it teaches them that people who don’t think and act and dress and believe as they do are evil and alien and not to be trusted and can be made to go sit out in the hall while the good people, the “true” people get to do things.
Less than 300 years ago, you could be tossed into the stocks in the public square for celebrating Christmas in many of the Colonies and that was by good “god fearing Christians” who considered such things as pagan folly and disrespect to your god.
Which is it? Both groups cannot be right but both groups claim the same god and the same beliefs.
Teaching the kiddies “You will conform to the christian world view or there will be repercussions” is not sane. At best it teaches them to be little hypocrites. At worst it teaches them that people who don’t think and act and dress and believe as they do are evil and alien and not to be trusted and can be made to go sit out in the hall while the good people, the “true” people get to do things.
Less than 300 years ago, you could be tossed into the stocks in the public square for celebrating Christmas in many of the Colonies and that was by good “god fearing Christians” who considered such things as pagan folly and disrespect to your god.
Which is it? Both groups cannot be right but both groups claim the same god and the same beliefs.