Mike Luckovich for September 05, 2013

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    WestNYC Premium Member over 10 years ago

    This is also the Democratic Party’s approach to resolving the Social Security crisis.

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    Vermont Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Really, you’re just being ironic, aren’t you? Because no one is that ignorant.

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    Vermont Premium Member over 10 years ago
    Oh and the bird does NOT put the head in the sand. They have been known to “hide” by lying down. But loony liberals of the church of Al Gory will not let facts stand in the way of a good smear. Man bad, he must be punished for the sin of CO2..pay at the door.

    …This is so FUNNY! It’s a little like reading the stream of consciousness ramblings of Zippy the Pinhead – and I mean that in a complimentary way. More, please!

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  4. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    If you believe Al Gore and the UN, you’ll believe anything…

    Gorebal Warming is a pathetic joke.

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    wynotb  over 10 years ago

    Isaac Asimov said that when a highly honored senior scientist says something cannot possibly happen, he is almost certainly wrong; but when 98% of the scientists on earth say something is happening right now, you would be wise to act on their warnings. I paraphrase, of course, but… And has anybody noticed that the 2% who do pooh-pooh human caused climate change all work for oil companies?

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    Tuner38  over 10 years ago

    Yes climate does change as it has for time immemorial. Nothing to get political about.

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    goweeder  over 10 years ago

    Obviously, you are not able to connect the dots.

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    woodwork  over 10 years ago

    Sure, climate changes, but have we exacerbated it?

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    Bob Smith  over 10 years ago

    Love the 2230 analogy

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    jonpeterson001  over 10 years ago

    WHERE in the world did you study? And WHAT did you study? This was absolutely ridiculous.

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    dpbriley  over 10 years ago

    Oops . . . . Calling ahab, calling ahab, your much vaunted and favorite rag is joining in on the reality, sorry you missed the bus.

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    wcorvi  over 10 years ago

    WOW! What a WEALTH of misinformation. The change in pressure due to a change in depth is linear. (dP/dr = -g*rho) So if the oceans get 5 feet deeper, the pressure a mile deep increases by 0.1%. BTW, it’s astronomy, not astrology.

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  13. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 10 years ago

    Ah, the global warming denialists and ignoramuses are out in force again. No point in offering the facts; they are not reading them.

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    pam Miner  over 10 years ago

    Some think everything is just fine, comfy-cozy. The REAL threat is that the FUkushima Daiichi Plant has gotten out of control.The Core Reactor has melted through the floor!

    What Happens in a REAL “china Syndrome”??

    no one can argue that that isn’t man-made.WHAT do these folks that believe in climate change has nothing to do with man think HAS caused the rise in temperature, the greenhouse effect, pollution?

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  15. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    Yes, shut down reactors, even one that has had a core meltdown, are easily managed. What isn’t is things like large amounts of water containing low level radioactives and any uncontained radioactive materials that can be spread or can seep into ground water.

    That is the problem at Chernobyl. The Soviet’s use of a graphite moderated fast fission reactor rather than a water moderated BWR (Boiling Water Reactor as at Fukushima) or PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor like at Three Mile Island) vastly complicates the problem with tons of carbon (graphite) to clean up.

    If I were wanting to move to Japan I’d have no problem moving into a home near the Fukushima plant. The same applies to TMI. I want nothing to do with Progressive Leftist version of this at Chernobyl. THAT was a major disaster.

    At least I know how a nuclear power plant works and can describe in detail the process of nuclear power production. Somehow, I have doubts you can do likewise.

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  16. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 10 years ago

    From the Tampa Bay Times:New ZealandThe South Pacific nation had its warmest winter since record-keeping began more than a century ago. The average nationwide temperature was 9.5 Celsius (49.1 Fahrenheit) for June, July and August. That’s about 1.2 Celsius above average and 0.3 above the record set in 1984, the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research said Tuesday. Record-keeping began in 1909.

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    dpbriley  over 10 years ago

    You are truly a functional illiterate. The paper clearly supports what I put forth in my comments in the Wuerker cartoon, the warming over the last 16 years has been statistically insignificant and that the models are crap.Of course they go on and make a poor attempt at trying to support the hindcasting capability of the models, they seem to think that because it was in the ballpark from 1900 on, it’s a winner! From a geological time frame or shorter, they just fail.Sorry, when dealing in geological times frames, or even shorter ones, they fail miserably.Lost the argument? LOL, I reject your alternate reality.The peer reviewed papers, you choose top believe at least, are reviewed by the same cabal. When they are reviewed by other notable scientists in other disciplines, they are found wanting. Some of them actually are pulled back to address the valid criticisms leveled, but most times rather then address the valid criticism character assassination is used instead.Keep marching in that lockstep though, it’s the only thing you do well . . .

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  18. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Simply put, the “deniers” have their head stuck somewhere darker, and damper, than in the sand.

    Grabbin onto any statement, like a recent study on Pacific temperatures, OUT OF CONTEXT, and then ignoring the total picture, is their refuge for denial.

    NO, we’re not all going up in flames tomorrow, but severe impacts ARE happening now, and in the next 100 years, if more drastic and determined action isn’t taken, things will be much worse, but the classic “conservative” (political) view has long been, “What’s posterity done for ME!”

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  19. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 10 years ago

    Yeah, proving my point.Some research has suggested that those with a self-declared conservative bent are less able to manage “shades of gray” – nuances between black and white. They tend to fall hard one way or the other. Scientists, of course, understand that science is a continual, iterative process, where you don’t get “truth,” but DO get “reliable conclusions.” Is it a surprise that so many scientists tend to be liberal?

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  20. Wargob
    gbrucewilson  over 10 years ago

    Do you have any clue how boring it is for you to use the same phrases over and over again? You are the moron, not the Tea Party. Get some new ideas, if your tiny brain has room for any.

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  21. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    I’m not “promot(ing)” a “FAILED nuclear faciltiy.” I am making factual, accurate commentary on its condition, the nature of the problems with it, and its relative public safety.

    As I stated, Chernobyl was a disaster and a bad one. It was predicated on poor design, poor operation, and the ineptness and sloth of big government.TMI was a worst case scenario for the US nuclear industry and no one died. No one got cancer as a result. It was cleaned up.Fukushima is a mess but a managable mess and will be cleaned up too. As at TMI no one died as a result of the accident. Outside the slim possibility some of the early emergancy workers on sight getting cancer at some point years down the road (and knowing that risk when they entered the plant) public health hasn’t been harmed.

    The recent BP oil rig disaster in the Caribbean was worse in terms of loss of live and enviromental damage.

    You have not got a clue about nuclear power; not a single clue. You, like Wabbit, seem to be the type that just hears the word “nuclear” and freaks out over whatever the following subject is.

    Can you even tell me anything about nuclear radiation and how it effects people? I doubt you can even with a quick trip to some source like Wiki. That is sad… Ill informed and willfully ignorant of the subject of nuclear power yet vocally against it.

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    lisak157 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    That’s right….climate change……because the douche in chief and his party in conspiracy has done absolutely NOTHING else that’s worthy of commenting on, right? You are an idiot with your own head in the sand Luckovich.

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    rini1946  over 10 years ago

    I will not claim that the climate is not changing it has been doing it since the earth began. You have heard of the ice age and what stopped that climate change And I will agree that we may be giving it a push but there is no way to stop it

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  24. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 10 years ago

    I think it more likely that there is a common trait predicting both.Education certainly helps, but there is also research that shows that, as one article put it, politics and math are incompatible — and that is politics both ways. (It’s really a revisitation of long-known findings that you make errors that benefit your point of view: http://www.salon.com/2013/09/05/study_proves_that_politics_and_math_are_incompatible/).We must educate not just with facts, but on how to think critically. Then let nature take its course. Children are natural scientists — they want to try things and see if they work.

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    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    It’s amazing to see so many people with no qualifications whatsoever making definitive statements about complicated scientific topics. Some of the people posting here can hardly write a sentence and yet they think they have something to say about global climate change!

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