Jim Morin for September 10, 2013

  1. Cresswell5
    Kingoswald Premium Member over 10 years ago

    A totally OTT and false analogy not worthy of Mr. Morin.

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  2. Missing large
    joe vignone  over 10 years ago

    Shouldn’t that sign be dripping with blood. too?

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    While a bit “over the top”, I do have to agree with Morin’s point that “TEA party” types, and Republican obstructionists willing to shut down the government, DO hand power to our enemies, external and internal, out to destroy what America has, and should, represent to the world. “United”, is indeed anathema to their plans.

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    Bob Smith  over 10 years ago

    Pretend your brother-in-law keeps hitting your spouse up for money, and s/he keep giving it to him because he’s family. He’s not a bad guy, is just always asking for hand-outs. You’ve been understanding, and for decades you’ve supported him. He’s living a pretty good life on your hand-outs, maybe not perfect, but decent. But a few years ago it got to the point where you’re giving him more than you take in. You have had to max out your credit cards, and take out a 2nd mortgage to support him because he just refuses to stop asking for more. You’ve tried to negotiate with him: A few times you’ve tried to scale back how much is given but every year you give in and give him just a little bit more. Even this year (although maybe not as much as he was asking for). You’ve suffered set-backs at work, there’s not as much income and your mortgage rate has increased. You’re barely making payments, paying all your debts and having enough left over to live on. Much longer and you’re going to start defaulting and getting calls from creditors. But your brother-in-law just keeps asking for more, more, more. Finally, you’ve had enough and start really screaming and yelling that it’s time to cut him off. You are the tea party.

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  5. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 10 years ago

    Why does the Tea Party hate America…

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  6. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 10 years ago

    All in all, the guy holding the sign has done our country the most damage.

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