Michael Ramirez for July 16, 2014

  1. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  almost 10 years ago

    “Or / and.. the CULT known as Jew.. should be recognized for what it is.”

    So that means that Jesus was a cult leader, which means that Christianity……

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    feverjr Premium Member almost 10 years ago


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  3. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    When Anwar Sadat finally thought “Enough!”, and reached out to Menachem Begin, there seemed some hope. His assasination showed how the rest of Islam really thinks.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    So if I send you a note warning you that I’m going to blow up your house, it’s your fault if you get killed?

    There are no easy answers to the reasons for this conflict, so simplistic, black/white “thinking” like yours must be avoided at all costs.

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  5. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    The Israelis, if nothing else, really showed their maturity, and as a civilized player on the world stage when Saddam began hurling his Scuds at them, hoping to ignite a great mid-east war, and take some heat off himself. Their self-restraint, for the greater good, is truly admirable.

    As a people, as a nation, they are certainly head-and-shoulders above their neighbors.

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  6. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago


    As I said in another ’toon, I do not agree with everything the Israeli government does, or has done. And I admit I am not aware over every incident which has occured. But looking at the larger picture, over time, one can form an opinion.

    This is how I look at it. Even before the invasion of Poland, many countries stalled, or refused to take in the those Jews who saw where Europe was heading. During the Nazi conquests, the SS found many willing accomplices in every nation they occupied. After Allied troops entered the camps in 1945, surviving Jews, and millions of other untermenschen were displaced, and it took a long time for them to get back home (or, what was left of it). Despite the revelation of the gas chambers, the Death Camps, the mass shootings, the Jews were still unwelcome.

    On his way home from Yalta, Pres. Roosevelt’s cruiser stopped in the Red Sea, where a Saudi king, Azziz…(can’t recall the whole name) came aboard to speak about proposals and options. FDR asked Azziz what he thought of the UN proposal to settle the Jews in Palestine. Azziz said he thought it terrible what the Nazis did to the Jews, but warned that the people in the Palestine areas would not accept them. “Why not carve out a piece of Germany, and give that to the Jews?” Azziz asked. Perhaps ridiculous to us, but it made perfect sense to the Arabs. After the talks, FDR said that the U.S. would NOT support the UN resolution.

    A few weeks later, FDR died. FDR kept Truman in the dark about almost everything. Harry had to take in a lot very quickly. In his biography, I read that he was, at first, not in favor of the resolution. It may prove harmful to U.S. interests in the area. But, he must have had a great deal of pressure brought upon him. At the UN meeting, in which the proposal was voted, Prince Faisal was there. When the U.S. delegate voted “AYE” , it is said his face dropped. This was a betrayal. And, it has cost the United States dearly, ever since.

    In history, there is some sort of “statute-of-limitations”. If a people have been conquered, been booted out, and these people do not come back in a hundred or two-hundred years to take back what WAS rightfully theirs, it’s over! It’s not fair, but that’s the way it always has been. The Jews, the Hebrews, really didn’t have a valid claim to this land anymore. But, their backs were up against the wall! They had been second-class citizens, suffered numerous pogroms, and as of late, faced annihilation. Yes, they fought, bombed, terrorized and forced their way back in.

    If you were a displaced survivor of Treblinka, and this was your only option, what would YOU do?

    War, battle can bring out the best in some men; the worst in many others. BOTH sides are guilty of excesses. But I have seen more in the papers, magazines and news shows over the DECADES of Israel desiring a peaceful co-existance with her neighbors.

    I once read an aricle about marriage. When asked about their long,successful marriage, what was the key, the couple answered “Short-term memory loss!”.

    Israel’s neighbors seem to have a full memory, and will not put anything in the past. What I read, see, hear always shows their hatred, not just against Israel, but almost the rest of the world! As I stated above, Sadat thought the time came to move forward. Debate? A few meetings among other Arab leaders? NO! KILL HIM! Kill The INFIDEL!

    Once the U.S. offered Israel its support, we cannot (other than some horrific unsanction behavior) suddenly abandon them. U.S. prestige, honor, and credibility would plummet.If we, or the world, stand by and watch another holocaust, then we give them the right to do it to any one of us!

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  7. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   almost 10 years ago

    Excuse me, MM, there has always been a Jewish presence in Palestine/Israel since the Common Era. I’ve read a book on archaeology detailing specific artifacts found over each century of the last two milennia. No occupiers ever made it part of their own country or established more than a temporary government there.

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    archimedeslives  almost 10 years ago

    So you are a authority on contemporary religion? Tell me all about the Zoastrians? How about the Sikhs? Or Jainism?

    Come on tell us all about them. How are they cults? I wait with baited breath.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Ramirez, like most Americans, needs to review the actual body count, since 1967! Maybe it would help to note OUR comparative body counts in Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Grenada, Panama and elsewhere.

    BTW: those warnings to leave their homes or be killed? WHERE are they supposed to GO? Gaza is a 136 sq. mile prison camp controlled by Israel. A prime goal of Hamas (no I don’t like them either, but-) is to end the blockade and allow the people in Gaza to again have jobs, food, water, and lives, without outrageously restrictive Israeli limits and controls.

    The simple absurdity of this toon is summed up biblically: “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.”

    Being “anti-war” isn’t the same as “pacifist”, but being anti-insanity isn’t "anti"anyone, or anything, but insanity.

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