Matt Wuerker for July 30, 2014

  1. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  almost 10 years ago

    The difference is that Republicans have worked within our system to attempt to repeal it – by proposing legislation for repeal and making a case against it. The President has disregarded the law to suspend parts of the law that are politically inconvenient to him – actions consistent with a dictator rather than the president of a constitutional republic.

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  2. Wrong
    BaltoBill  almost 10 years ago

    The difference is the all of the Republicans in congress are up for re-election in November and they want to satisfy their constituents. No altruism there, just Derp.

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  3. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    Great Britain was a major world power. Germany pulled the Lion in an expensive naval arms race, and challenged her position in two horrendous wars. Although ending on the victorious side, Britain was left broke and heavily in debt, mostly to the U.S., who wanted it’s money back. When Britain was down, America assumed the mantleship of world leader.

    Former “ally” USSR challenged the U.S. to an expensive arms race, and lost. The U.S. has spent much of it’s wealth, and lives of it’s military, in several costly “police actions”, is broke, and owes trillions to Japan, China, and the Saud family. China has grown leaps & bounds since the 1970’s, with much help from us. The Dragon has built up a huge army, is building a blue-water navy, has acquired cutting-edge technology, has demonstrated it’s military capability by developing an accurate, long-range missile by shooting a defunct satellite out of earth orbit, ( which our military knows can take out one of our carriers) and is subtley flexing its muscles with Japan, Vietnam and the U.S.

    Our congressmen & -women focus on partisan issues, seeking leverage to gain or keep power, watch as our economy devolves into 1890’s owner/worker subjugation and seem totally oblivious to the serious threats to our national security.

    If this arrogance and blindness continues, it may not be long before old grudges and new nationalistic fervor overtakes us, and China stands “uber alles”.

    Keep it up Boehner! Keep it up, Repubs! And all of congress: you no longer have the guts, much less an understanding, of “doing the right thing” for ONCE in your miserable careers!
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  4. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  almost 10 years ago

    Suggestions of racism in Republican opposition to President Obama’s unconstitutional overreaches are unfounded and, in fact, completely wrong. As is the idea that the ACA was the Republican’s idea in the first place. At best it bore a superficial resemblance to legislation that some Republicans had considered, but the actual bill that became Obamacare was full of details that the Republicans in Congress could not in good faith support – and the President would not consider any of their proposed amendments.-Now that Obamacare has been revealed to be immensely unpopular to those losing their health insurance under the law (contrary to the President’s promises to the contrary) the President has decided to change the law in mid-operation in an effort to delay some of the harmful effects of the law so that they do not effect upcoming election cycles. In doing this the President oversteps his constitutional authority and Republicans are absolutely right to call him out on this. That the left is willing to give the President a pass on this issue just because they generally support his politics is shameful.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    I’ve observed a lot of idiots and political appointees over the decades, also seen the waste in contracting by the government, especially for defense, and the mad rush to contract that began biggest time under Reagan. Corporations are JUST AS BAD as any government operation in the U.S., and some worse than most 3rd world countries.

    Along with those idiots in government, I’ve seen idiots in Congress, but Boehner and the boneheads absolutely take the cake, after they’ve stolen the icing. It’s beyond sickening, and the total distortion of what the Constitution allegedly says, is only supported by five crooks on the court, sadly, no, those Justices aren’t stupid, just ideologic vampires preying on the document they’re supposed to support.

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  6. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  almost 10 years ago

    That’s a pretty good analogy, Joadtom, though in some cases it’s a matter of the President waiving enforcement of the law for broad classes of people (say, people with new cars) whose votes his party needs to stay in power.

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  7. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  almost 10 years ago

    The ACA is very different from the Heritage Foundation’s proposal:- fact is that Republicans had real and legitimate objections to the ACA – many of which have been borne out by reality. If the President were interested in following our constitutional procedure he would attempt to work with Congress to modify the law, and if they were unwilling to do so his remedy would be to appeal to the public and attempt to pressure Congress with a groundswell of public opinion. His unilateral executive action exceeds his constitutional authority and I would hope that sincere member of the left would drop their partisan defense of the President and instead encourage him to act responsibly.

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