Phil Hands for February 23, 2015

  1. Missing large
    ConserveGov  about 9 years ago

    All talk until we bail them out…….Again.

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    ARodney  about 9 years ago

    I realize you were hardly born yet, but most of us followed the news last year. Your attempt to blame Obama for Ukraine wanting to have trade relations with Europe is astonishingly naive.

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  3. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 9 years ago

    @and to martens… and Rodney. As I have read, and understand it, the U.S. promised Russia that we would not try to sell NATO to the eastern European countries, in exchange for their acceptance of German re-unification. And, we did renege. There was a short window of opportunity to engage Russia more closely during the Yeltsin era, but we did not help him enough. Instead, the U.S. swaggered about victory and crushing our Cold War foe! Capitalism and democracy reigns! (the U.S. version, anyway!) Logicalone’s second paragraph is mostly true. Putin, like many other Russians who held posts in the old KGB and military, run a criminal oligarchy and are becoming enormously wealthy, and powerful. Yet, even tyrants, when their nation is under threats, will act according to national interests. Stalin, paranoid demigod that he was, saw what Germany was up to, bought time, and when war came, he allowed the Russian Orthodox church freedom, and called for all to fight not for the Revolution, but for Mother Russia!Natural allies? I don’t know about that, logic. But it has been reported lately that the Bear and the Panda have been feeling each other out, and talking..Here is where knowledge of history can be of some help. In his excellent book “Dreadnought: Germany, England, and the Coming of the Great War”, author Raymond Massey recounts the years of feelers, then negotiations, as England and France, rivals for centuries, came to an Entente when facing the belligerency of a rising, militartistic Germany.Pres. Obama did nothing to bring about Russia’s current belligerency

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    That bear has one foot in a trap, and another on a banana peel, but it still has missiles and bite, but I really don’t think Putin is as crazy as Bush (any of ‘em) when it comes to starting wars of massive obligation. He’s wow, been with the KGB, yet folks overlook the fact GHW ran the CIA for a while, and into the ground.

    I think the GOP just likes to keep the focus overseas, whether in Asia and South Asia, or Ukraine, rather than letting folks see how horrible their ideas are for here at home.

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