Nick Anderson for February 22, 2015

  1. 009 8a
    MaryWorth Premium Member about 9 years ago

    logicalone, I have a sense of humor but for you to get me to laugh you’d have to post something FUNNY!

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    frodo1008  about 9 years ago

    If that is supposedly a joke, then it is in quite poor taste. Expecially, in a forum that children could have access to. That is, if what you are posting is what I think it might be.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Insulting gays, immigrants (legal or illegal), Muslims or “liberal” thought, as in thinking, that’s just “good old boy” humor, but hmm, tell a joke about Italians, idiot politicians of the “conservative” bent (either party), or call out for responosibilty from extremists on the right like Netanyahu, “War Story hisself” O’Reilly, Limbaugh, and that skin gets really thin, whether in Texas or elsewhere.

    The line from “Full Metal Jacket” was repeated all the time when I was in the Army, and in “the South”, but it was California queers (Interesting a former insult they’ve now adopted into LGBT-Q!), not Texas.

    And remember, Kenyans come from Hawaii.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    BTW: my best friend of nearly 50 years was born and raised in Texas, extremely right-wing conservative, yet we focused on what we agreed on as friends, instead of spending those years insulting each other. Which, that didn’t mean we BOTH weren’t capable of telling a good joke on folks, regardless the target, like his service in the Texas National Guard he readily admitted was to avoid the draft and Viet Nam.

    It was also interesting as we travelled the states and abroad with our wives (he had three consecutive, I only had one), he was the one who got hit on by gay guys all the time. Which DiD lead to a few, okay, more than a few, jokes along the way, no real harm ever intended.

    And it is the intent of HARM, that makes the difference, and makes it not a joke.

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    veronique auzon engel  about 9 years ago

    I don’t want to ‘steer’ this in the wrong direction, and I have ‘locked horns’ wtih ‘logicalone’ once or twice in my brief past on this site, but I read his post and thought it was very funny before I noticed who had posted it.

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    veronique auzon engel  about 9 years ago

    That’s what Morrocans from Casablanca say about their ‘brothers’ from Marrakech. “If you go to Marrakech and see a coin on the ground, don’t bend over and try to pick it up.”

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Even the Old Testament says treat “aliens” with respect and as brothers in humanity to care for. But, talk about a book that spouts from both sides of it’s mouth.

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  8. Bunway
    RabbitDad  about 9 years ago

    Letting gay folks marry doesn’t force anything down anyone’s throat, unless you feel you now HAVE to get gay mjarried. Being told you cannot marry the person you love, THAT’S forcing something down someone’s throat. Funny how Conservatives are all about “freedom” until they’re not.

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    frodo1008  about 9 years ago

    When administered by the states, I prefer it be called same sex “unions”. It is then administered by the states to give equal civil rights to all citizens, whether heterosexual or homosexual.

    The word “marriage” should be reserved for the church (or religion in general) for the pruposes of the sacrid sacrament by that name. As a moderate securalist Christian I am perfectly happy with that priciple, as long as the state does not interfere with the churches marrying only men and women, then I am fine with the state allowing same sex unions for the purpose of giving the same civil rights to same sex couples and heterosexual couples.

    This also maintains the great principle of secular government, in having said government not advocate any particular religion. The principle of the seperation of the church and state!

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  10. Lew. shaved beard jul 11
    leweclectic  about 9 years ago

    Hmmm, from what I’ve seen and heard of Texans the cows are not the only ones that are nervous.

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  11. Lew. shaved beard jul 11
    leweclectic  about 9 years ago

    dtroutma GoComics PRO Member said, 1 day ago“BTW: my best friend of nearly 50 years was born and raised in Texas, extremely right-wing conservative, yet we focused on what we agreed on as friends, instead of spending those years insulting each other. Which, that didn’t mean we BOTH weren’t capable of telling a good joke on folks, regardless the target, like his service in the Texas National Guard he readily admitted was to avoid the draft and Viet Nam.

    It was also interesting as we travelled the states and abroad with our wives (he had three consecutive, I only had one), he was the one who got hit on by gay guys all the time. Which DiD lead to a few, okay, more than a few, jokes along the way, no real harm ever intended.

    And it is the intent of HARM, that makes the difference, and makes it not a joke."

    dtroutma: Excellent true life story told with love and heart and filled with wisdom for all times and generations. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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    echoraven  about 9 years ago

    “Moore has used it to prevent some laws from being passed. He is using the Bible as his basis for his Stand on LGBT rights.”.Actually there is no biblical basis for what Moore is doing. The bible called for a separation of church and state. LGBT rights laws have no impact on the ability of anyone to worship as they please, so those who worship should look at those laws as “what’s good for society”..If he wants to quote the old testament, he better not be eating any kind of pork related products including bacon..As for me; let gays marry (it harms NO ONE) and I’ll keep loving bacon.

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    gammaguy  about 9 years ago

    Not true. The only provisions in the Constitution that are limited to “citizens” — which is what I understand you to mean by “Americans” — have to do with the rights to vote and to hold office. In particular, the Amendments which compose the Bill of Rights refer generally either to a “person” or to “the people” or contain no mention even that restrictive, and absolutely no mention of citizenship. (Amendment III more specifically mentions “the Owner”, and Amendment VI refers to “the accused”, but still nothing about citizenship.)

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