Steve Breen for March 04, 2015

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    luvdafuneez  about 9 years ago

    No, he doesn’t.

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    william32 Premium Member about 9 years ago

    THE OLD Repug mushroom cloud of fear. The same one that sent us into Iraq and has left us with the fallout issues throughout the Middle East.

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    Mneedle  about 9 years ago

    I am still waiting to find out what lies you are referencing. And yes, too many people have died in war in the Middle East. It all could have been avoided if the Arabs had accepted the “two state solution” in 1948 when the U.N. Set it up. But, instead, the Arab nations got together and attacked the new state of Israel.

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  4. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 9 years ago

    At least the U.S. cannot be accused of not trying to negotiate with Iran. I give the Pres & Kerry a few points for the effort. Yet, no matter how close or far away Iran is from building (or buying, or stealing) a nuclear device, as long as Komeini’s successor mullahs are calling the shots, Israel, the United States, and much of the mid-east might actually feel the stretched hand of the Iranian theocracy. For a nation to sign a treaty with no intention of abiding by it is not new in history; in fact, it’s quite common. Once armed so, I believe these mullahs (it only would take one) would use that weapon, firm in the belief that they are carrying out their pagan god’s will.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    It didn’t happen when Bibi said it was only months away, 19 years ago, and it ain’t true today.

    Now, like last time, we could send Olvier North over to SELL them some of OUR nukes, just like he did lesser arms the first time around! Ollie will be happy too, as he’s got millions now and a bomb shelter under his mansion, er excuse me, “residence”. And just like back then for Reagan, it wouldn’t be treason, right?

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  6. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  about 9 years ago

    The hired ideologues on FOX NEWS are bloviating over Obama/Kerry negotiating a no-nuclear weapons deal with the Iranians and then meeting with Arab nations to presumably get them on board. Their hissy-fit being that the Arabs will know about the plan before the American people. Apparently they think the negotiators should announce negotiations on TV for all to see, even before discussions are complete. And in their twisted world they believe that is superior to their other major complaint of announcing plans to our enemies in advance. They seem to live in fear and dread that the enemy in the White House might have another milestone victory, giving peace a chance without firing a shot or loss of life or property.

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    Alfkowitz  about 9 years ago

    Oh please, spare us.

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