Dark Side of the Horse by Samson for August 26, 2012
I heard this song on the radio... Sine: well it happens. It was about a girl who'd like to teach the world to sing,. Sine: Oh, that song is a classic. Yeah but there's no way she could pull that one off, There must be millions. no, billions of people who need singing lessons, badly. So maybe she should settle for teaching... Uh, some town to sing, Sine: well... song lyrics are not always meant to be taken too literally, Oh yeah? Sine: You know songwriters like to use metaphors and stuff in their lyrics, You must mean "abuse ' right? I mean how can anyone build a city on "rock and roll: SIne: Maybe it just sounded better that "reinforced concrete and steel"
On VH1, “We Built This City” was named worst song ever.