9 Chickweed Lane by Brooke McEldowney for March 21, 2010
Elliott says, "I just finished the most engrossing conversation with Thorax. He said he came to this planet by way of a warp speed conveyance called 'the interstellar wormhole transit,' or the 'I.W.T.' …a fascinating concept." Juliette says, "A fascinating concept?!... he told you he commuted here on a subway!" Juliette says, "Was there anything about this fascinating concept that struck you as just a weensy preposterous?" Juliette says, "...Just a mite fanciful? Perhaps bonkers beyond all human comprehen-..." Elliott says, "Wow... iconic!... and if I'm not mistaken, that was the uptown express." Juliette says, "I keep swearing to myself I won't get drawing into these discussions."