Atta girl………if your family isn’t what you want, your pretend family always comes through.Now if only your pretend family had some money.My mother’s family is not one I would want to research. Grandma was….um,.,,,,making a living the old=fashioned way, apparently. Who knew, this little 4’10" 85 pound lady, who hardly said boo, and fed me tuna sandwiches, Hmmm
Atta girl………if your family isn’t what you want, your pretend family always comes through.Now if only your pretend family had some money.My mother’s family is not one I would want to research. Grandma was….um,.,,,,making a living the old=fashioned way, apparently. Who knew, this little 4’10" 85 pound lady, who hardly said boo, and fed me tuna sandwiches, Hmmm