@Linguist Today’s strip IS funny, our HERO Mr Andrew Capp wanting to take drugs to mask Flo’s burnt offerings is priceless :o) my avataris a spoof of GOD wanting to sue a terrorist for using his ame , but where can GOD find a Lawyer in HEAVEN, come passerai il vostro Sabato mio piu menovecchio amiicho sinchero? our Saturday should be quite busy but we will cope I hope, we are both in a good mood and after our bulk buying is done we have no more errands to run , just stay inside and keep hydrated because it’s cold and windy outside keep safe and a bientot pal
At first I thought Andy was going to hit up Ronnie for his beer money seeing as how he lost his taste, but I am guessing that’s the next thing he asked for.
On the Simpsons, Selma lost her sense of taste and smell after a bottle rocket went up her nose. (That explains a lot.) Maybe Andy should try that. (Then again, maybe not.)
Templo S.U.D. over 2 years ago
ronaldspence over 2 years ago
maybe you can make canal water taste like beer Andy and save yourself a trip to the pub!
AFFICIONADO over 2 years ago
@Linguist Today’s strip IS funny, our HERO Mr Andrew Capp wanting to take drugs to mask Flo’s burnt offerings is priceless :o) my avataris a spoof of GOD wanting to sue a terrorist for using his ame , but where can GOD find a Lawyer in HEAVEN, come passerai il vostro Sabato mio piu menovecchio amiicho sinchero? our Saturday should be quite busy but we will cope I hope, we are both in a good mood and after our bulk buying is done we have no more errands to run , just stay inside and keep hydrated because it’s cold and windy outside keep safe and a bientot pal
rshive over 2 years ago
Sometimes losing one’s taste can be a good thing.
pcolli over 2 years ago
Here we go again….
Susan00100 over 2 years ago
No, he’s got sore ears from his MIL’s yelling.
Susan00100 over 2 years ago
Is he asking for pills or money??
CorkLock over 2 years ago
Double dose Andy, Ronnie. Maybe he’ll lose his taste for booze, gambling, mooching, lying, chasing women and cheating in general.
mckeonfuneralhomebx over 2 years ago
That was an episode of Everbody loves Raymond where Frank was taking a PILL for his “FOOT” ( His OTHER Foot) and lost his sense of Taste.
Linguist over 2 years ago
Flo hasn’t learned the difference between char-broiling a steak and carbonizing it beyond belief.
Cincoflex over 2 years ago
I was going to comment on the purple suit, but honestly, that’s the worst-fitting suit I’ve ever seen on this strip.
Khatkhattu Premium Member over 2 years ago
Andy and his usual tasteless comments.
oakie817 over 2 years ago
ba dum tss
Buckeye67 over 2 years ago
At first I thought Andy was going to hit up Ronnie for his beer money seeing as how he lost his taste, but I am guessing that’s the next thing he asked for.
tad1 over 2 years ago
On the Simpsons, Selma lost her sense of taste and smell after a bottle rocket went up her nose. (That explains a lot.) Maybe Andy should try that. (Then again, maybe not.)