Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for December 01, 2009
Gracie: Tongue twisters! These are hard to say! Gracie: A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk. Gracie: Can you say that Tia Carmen? Tia Carmen: Easy. Tia Carmen: El eskunk sat en un estump and tunk the estump estunk pero really it was counsin Felicia's bad cooking! Tia Carmen: That wasn't hard at all! Let's do another one!
España/Spain, Estocolmo/Stockholm, Esteban/Steven, esquíes/skis, escuela/school, espíritu/spirit, escandinavo/Scandinavian, estudiar/study, estadio/stadium, estación/station, Escocia/Scotland, espía/spy, esfera/sphere, escocés/Scottish, Esfinge/Sphinx, establo/stable, Estige/Styx, estómago/stomach, etc. (more examples)