Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for December 01, 2009
Gracie: Tongue twisters! These are hard to say! Gracie: A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk. Gracie: Can you say that Tia Carmen? Tia Carmen: Easy. Tia Carmen: El eskunk sat en un estump and tunk the estump estunk pero really it was counsin Felicia's bad cooking! Tia Carmen: That wasn't hard at all! Let's do another one!
ejcapulet about 15 years ago
There are a few tongue-twisters that just kill my British South African friend but aren’t even tongue-twisters if for someone with an American accent.
margueritem about 15 years ago
I like Tia’s twist on it.
carmy about 15 years ago
Joe, I saw that Tia was speaking Spanglish also. How about trying Peter Piper after the sea shells?
Wildmustang1262 about 15 years ago
Does Tia Carmen speak that way for Español? I think she doesn’t speak fluently. :-/
MisngNOLA about 15 years ago
How about the new one which involves twits twittering ‘twixt themselves?
LibrarianInTraining about 15 years ago
Makes me think there’s a cousin Felicia living on my block. It would explain that awful stink!
Potrzebie about 15 years ago
Did you know that in Spanish any Words that begin with “st” usually have an E preceding it? THat’s why a lot of ESL spanish speakers say things like “estop”. “estate”, ‘estress”, etc….
bald about 15 years ago
i never heard that one before tia carmen
rayannina about 15 years ago
SOMEBODY’S still bitter about Cousin Felicia …
WestNYC Premium Member about 15 years ago
we LOVE you Tia Carmen !
Wildmustang1262 about 15 years ago
Hey! by the way, Tia Carmen, we love you very much, toooooo! :-)
Kosher71 about 15 years ago
Rubber , baby , buggy , bumper .
Bargrove about 15 years ago
The cat ran over the roof of the house with a lump of rare liver in its mouth. Spanglish, please.
Templo S.U.D. about 15 years ago
España/Spain, Estocolmo/Stockholm, Esteban/Steven, esquíes/skis, escuela/school, espíritu/spirit, escandinavo/Scandinavian, estudiar/study, estadio/stadium, estación/station, Escocia/Scotland, espía/spy, esfera/sphere, escocés/Scottish, Esfinge/Sphinx, establo/stable, Estige/Styx, estómago/stomach, etc. (more examples)