The last accident I had was when I was rear-ended while stopped at a traffic light – by a police car! The cruiser’s steel crash bar did a number on my trunk and rear end.
Unfortunately, for the two police officers in the car, there were too many witnesses for them to deny that it was their fault. The driver was on his cell phone texting his wife ( I found this out later on ) and the other was on the computer in the police car. Fortunately, for me, I wasn’t injured because a split second before they hit me, I realized that they were going tom and took my foot off the brake.
Needless to say, due to the embarrassing publicity that resulted – pictures in the local newspaper and brief snippet on the local television news – the city grudgingly … er … graciously paid for a rental car while mine was being repaired and of course, covered the repair costs with a minimum of hassle with my insurance company.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I had just purchased the car two days before the accident!
The last accident I had was when I was rear-ended while stopped at a traffic light – by a police car! The cruiser’s steel crash bar did a number on my trunk and rear end.
Unfortunately, for the two police officers in the car, there were too many witnesses for them to deny that it was their fault. The driver was on his cell phone texting his wife ( I found this out later on ) and the other was on the computer in the police car. Fortunately, for me, I wasn’t injured because a split second before they hit me, I realized that they were going tom and took my foot off the brake.
Needless to say, due to the embarrassing publicity that resulted – pictures in the local newspaper and brief snippet on the local television news – the city grudgingly … er … graciously paid for a rental car while mine was being repaired and of course, covered the repair costs with a minimum of hassle with my insurance company.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I had just purchased the car two days before the accident!