In 2010 (the last year the FBI has published figures for), the US had 358 people murdered with rifles; 745 were murdered with “personal weapons”.
What, you ask, are “personal weapons”? “Hands, fists, feet, etc.”. Yes, almost twice as many victims beaten & kicked to death as shot with rifles (all rifles, not just the dreaded black ones).
In 2010 (the last year the FBI has published figures for), the US had 358 people murdered with rifles; 745 were murdered with “personal weapons”.
What, you ask, are “personal weapons”? “Hands, fists, feet, etc.”. Yes, almost twice as many victims beaten & kicked to death as shot with rifles (all rifles, not just the dreaded black ones).
Oh – and 1704 were stabbed to death.
So let’s ban those AR-15s and solve the problem!