All the stalactites and vicious vertebraeHunt the stalagmites while laryngitis slayAll that parasites that come from Paraguay in the springHmm, hmm hmmm
Everyone has a different way to remember which is shich. I was told that the StalacTitie hangs down (T), and the StalagMite goes UP like a Mountain peak.
It looks like a decorative cave, but those look like more cleaning to me. (Dust collectors).
yeh, just like these new ceilings with all the little foamy balls stuck to ’em. “hides” the gouges, scratches, and crappy craftsmanship of your ceiling installer.
ghretighoti over 12 years ago
How to tell the stalactites from the stalagmites: It’s like ants in the pants… when the mites go up, the tites will come down.
TheSkulker over 12 years ago
Or … stalacTites come from the Top and stalaGmites come from the Ground.
Aussie Down Under over 12 years ago
The cave has a rising and falling damp problem. However, that’s unlikely to stop any Real Estate agent in his quest.
Aussie Down Under over 12 years ago
Reminds me of the drunk lying in the gutter hanging on to the curb and screaming don’t let me fall.
revisages over 12 years ago
yes, the stalagtites hold tight to the ceiling, the stalagmites just might get there someday.of course ants in the pants is much fancier
J Short over 12 years ago
Try sleeping beneath one of those suckers. Of course sleeping on top of one has it’s challenges. (You figure out the top and bottom of this, okay?)
Raygun over 12 years ago
stalagTite = Top – that’s how I’ve always remembered it.
Dewed over 12 years ago
Tites have to hang tight … Mites might reach the top
jtviper7 over 12 years ago
I hope the seller didn’t leave his trampoline.
Packratjohn Premium Member over 12 years ago
Yeah, I always used the G in stalagmite to think of Ground.
And i always used the K in spelunKing to ask myself how Krazy I must be to be in a small cavern far underground in the dark.
goweeder over 12 years ago
“I’ve never come across the need to know up from down.”_______________for one thing, it’s pretty hard to fall UP.
DrBonehead over 12 years ago
Here’s my problem: I’m standing on my head. Now which is which? What way IS up?!
gocomicsmember over 12 years ago
Obviously several never heard about the Ceiling/Ground difference. There is NO SUCH THING as a stalaGtite!
tuslog64 over 12 years ago
And if the two connect, you have a column – much easier to remember.
lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago
At least it’s not that darned popcorn ceiling stuff.
Toronto2 over 12 years ago
All the stalactites and vicious vertebraeHunt the stalagmites while laryngitis slayAll that parasites that come from Paraguay in the springHmm, hmm hmmm
- Don McLean, “On the Amazon”
adubman over 12 years ago
Tites or Mites?….That is the Question
Shikamoo Premium Member over 12 years ago
Everyone has a different way to remember which is shich. I was told that the StalacTitie hangs down (T), and the StalagMite goes UP like a Mountain peak.
It looks like a decorative cave, but those look like more cleaning to me. (Dust collectors).
dfowensby over 12 years ago
yeh, just like these new ceilings with all the little foamy balls stuck to ’em. “hides” the gouges, scratches, and crappy craftsmanship of your ceiling installer. over 12 years ago
OMG the wolf in yesterdays comic looks AWESOME.