According to “Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative”“Sales results” will now be “Reaction to convincing persuasion” And instead of the word “nauseating” it’s suggested to say “gut rumbling effect caused by a thought that could result in projectile vomiting “
admiree2 almost 2 years ago
Hey! Is that Glengarry?
Pickled Pete almost 2 years ago
Nauseating, another way of saying ‘not good’, right?
Oh Really? almost 2 years ago
His comment makes me sick
Oh Really? almost 2 years ago
According to “Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative”“Sales results” will now be “Reaction to convincing persuasion” And instead of the word “nauseating” it’s suggested to say “gut rumbling effect caused by a thought that could result in projectile vomiting “
gopher gofer almost 2 years ago