Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for February 08, 2016
Lupin: There's a new toy in the bathroom! Puck, what can you tell us? Puck: Lupin, I've never seen its equal. Puck: The new toy is tailor made for rolling and pouncing. Its design is clean, simple. Puck: Understated, yet elegant. Elvis: While it would be in poor taste to speculate the cost, innovations like these don't come cheap. Elvis: I'm not usually a fan of fancy cat toys. Elvis: But can resist that spin? (KICK KICK KICK) Elvis: WHEN FANCY TOYS ATTACK!
Doc, my cat Spot did the same thing. I was concerned and wanted to stop him before he hurt himself, but my wife couldn’t stop laughing. I saved him from the mean ol’ bag…and I’m not referring to my wife! <I didn’t just say that, for the record>