Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for November 21, 2016
Elvis: Unexpected developments in the laundry room! Lupin- Lupin: Thanks, Elvis! I'm live in the laundry room, where everything is delightful! Figaro: Um...?Quien es usted? Elvis: Lupin, there's a strange cat behind you! Lupin: Jokies or realzies? Figaro: ?Quien es ese? Elvis: Realzies! Lupin: Aurrgh!! Figaro: ?Que?! Lupin: I'm deaf-slow down- Figaro: ?Por que estas gritando Estas loco? Me asustaste! Lupin: I can't read your whiskers!...Is this cat speaking a different language? Figaro: ?Quienes son estos gatos? Elvis: Mmrgh. Puck: Yes, he is! Lupin, that's one of the ceiling cats! I recognize his voice! Figaro: Lo siento...Pero ?ti importa si huelo tu nariz? Lupin: I think it's okay, he's smelling my nose... Figaro: ?Vainilla?
Ida No about 8 years ago
Posted the interview with Georgia Dunn at
Where you can learn many things you didn’t know.
snarkm about 8 years ago
Panel 2: Who are you?
P4: Who is that?
P5: What?!?
P7: Why are you screaming? Are you crazy? You scared me!
P8: Who are these cats?
P9: Sorry but…do you mind if I sniff your nose?
P10: sniff sniff sniff…Vanilla?
davesdata about 8 years ago
Thank you Snarkim. Your translation removes a bit of stress from one of my favorite comics.
Susan Rollinson Premium Member about 8 years ago
Yes, thank you Snarkim!
Susan Rollinson Premium Member about 8 years ago
I should have learned Spanish instead of French and German.
SunflowerGirl100 about 8 years ago
24 days until a Our IX Lives Christmas Special!
Kit Jeans about 8 years ago
Looks like el gato is also a newscat—has his own mike.
jhagerson about 8 years ago
@KitJeans, “GN” stands for “Gatos Noticias,” Spanish for Cat News.
ladykat about 8 years ago
Thank you, snarkm!
Sabrina17 about 8 years ago
I so love seeing Elvis getting all puffed up over a strange cat!
ShadowBeast Premium Member about 8 years ago
Elvis is like the pufferfish of cats.
Courage the Cowardly Dog! about 8 years ago
Yogi007 about 8 years ago
Okay, I know that we are dealing with a comic strip (a wonderful one, I will add), and this isn’t real life (really?), but if Lupin is deaf (which I know he is), why is he able to communicate with Elvis on the other floor and yet not hear the gato right next to him? He even tells the gato that he is deaf. Yeah, I know that I’m reading way too much into this. For the record, I am being silly with this question. I guess this is more of a rhetorical question. I am not serious at all about how a deaf cat can hear the others from a different part of the house. Now did I confuse everybody?
Hedgehog about 8 years ago
Many puffy tails! (Puck’s the exception, since he recognizes Sir Figaro’s voice)
SunflowerGirl100 about 8 years ago
Teleprompter seems right plus both Puck and Elvis use sign language with him plus he can read their whiskers, the cat equivalent of reading lips, I guess. Now I agree I don’t think any of these work in the laundry room at the moment unless Elvis or Puck is signing from the top of the laundry chute. Actually, since we’re being logical here, the only way Elvis knows there’s a strange cat behind Lupin is if he is peering down the laundry chute and therefore he could be signing the warning or Lupin is reading his whiskers.
Clearstream about 8 years ago
“Jokies or Realzies?” BEST LINE LUPIN HAS EVER SAID!!
dogday Premium Member about 8 years ago
Elvis makes my skin hurt when he poufs out like that! I keep waiting for things to start flying off. Of him, that is. Not me.
dogday Premium Member about 8 years ago
It looks to me like Lupin is using the sign for “deaf.” Clever kitty!
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Never knew Lupin was deaf, should have because we had a white cat with one blue eye and one brown eye and he was stone deaf.
tweety6677 about 8 years ago
Actually Lupin has green eyes. He became deaf when he was a kitten. You can read more about it on the BCN web site. I had an all white cat with blue eyes who was deaf and she was a very good kitty.
ctlum about 8 years ago
Almost had a poofiness overload from this strip!
bonita.eley about 8 years ago
meow est bonita! (language is beautiful…sort of..LOL)
Ida No about 8 years ago
To all, thank you for reading the interview.
Eric Salinas Premium Member about 8 years ago
“Jokies or Realzies?” haha
songbird44 Premium Member about 8 years ago
My only quibble with the Spanish is that Figaro moved from the formal “usted” to the familiar “tú” awfully quickly. I’m not a native speaker, but that seems like a social faux pas (paw?) to me. They don’t even know each other’s names yet!
Goat (from PBS) about 4 years ago
lupin is like my dog, mischevious, deaf, and likes meeting new friends