Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for February 16, 1992
Calvin: The whole problem with modern times is that there's no pride in craftsmanship. When most kids make a snowball, they just mush a bunch of snow together. Everyone's a slave to efficiency! No time for aesthetics! No love of things for their own sake! But when I make a snowball, it's a work of art! This snow, for example, is just a little too powdery. It won't sting properly. I prefer a wetter snow; something with some weight! Something that will really knock the wind out of the recipient! And how much loose rubble and dirt is acceptable before it affects the aerodynamics? Do you get better spin with an ellipsoid or a true sphere! Nobody condiders these things any more! It's a lost tradition, I tell you! My snowballs aren't assembly line productions! They take me longer to make, but each one is a unique masterpiece! That's why I sign them. Watch this- Hey, Susie! It's a crass culture, Hobbes. Shoddy and quick is all anybody knows. Hobbes: Artist always suffer.
As a Floridian, I learn so much about snow in these comics. Calvin speaks about the material like it’s marble.