Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for February 16, 1992

  1. Missing large
    Icalasari  over 14 years ago

    Try opening a bank or car factory if you want a bailout :P

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  2. Bubbles 007 powerpuff girls
    Deepashri  over 13 years ago

    For a 6 year old who refuses to learn - he sure know big words !!!

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  3. Pict0006 univ of energy 2006
    renrutnagrom  over 11 years ago

    New name: Gatling Gun Susie.

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  4. Phoenix
    Xalder  about 10 years ago

    Consider the fact that Watterson went through all sorts of issues with editors at different newspapers at this time. He wanted to provide the greatest work of art that he could possibly do.

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  5. 090722 eclipse space 02
    yow4zip Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Calvin suffers more than most.

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  6. Aoh14gisuak5o8eoa1em5ad5s2deskgvc4fbt6som782eq=s96 c
    AntonL.Graf  over 3 years ago

    As a Floridian, I learn so much about snow in these comics. Calvin speaks about the material like it’s marble.

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