Calvin is supposed to be a 6 year old. If so then he is surely a genius, and one of the higher ones. His imagination and views verify that. In the real world a kid like that would need more direction to keep his interest and challenges to keep his motivations. Kids like that need to be engaged or, with no experience, they will do it themselves, and not often successfully.
BE THIS GUY almost 3 years ago
The lesser 6 year olds have duckies on their underwear.
dadthedawg Premium Member almost 3 years ago
He should put on his…..big boy pants.
codycab almost 3 years ago
You think your IQ is a burden Calvin? Try passing Harvard with it.
C almost 3 years ago
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Two geniuses on my GoComics page today: Rat from PBS and Calvin.
Bilan almost 3 years ago
If you weren’t on such a higher plane, you would notice what’s missing lower down.
Robin Harwood almost 3 years ago
I have the same sort problem, Calvin. Though not the underpants.
charliefarmrhere almost 3 years ago
Wow! Trenchant! That is a ten dollar word.
rentier almost 3 years ago
Jealous lesser intellect!!
in.amongst almost 3 years ago
Careful Calvin, higher intellect amongst us homosapiens has always gone extinct first… especially once we got into this civilization game.
shadowdwellr6352 almost 3 years ago
What little kid knows and uses the word “trenchant”? I had to look it up…
Susan00100 almost 3 years ago
Have any REAL geniuses (Einstein, Shakespeare, da Vinci) been as braggadocios as Calvin?
hariseldon59 almost 3 years ago
Super genius.
GROG Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Just wait until your fellow 6-year olds laugh you out of class.
moosemin almost 3 years ago
Calvin DOES have a good command in vocabulary!
M2MM almost 3 years ago
another Trump Jr in the making?
Purple People Eater almost 3 years ago
Being a genius isn’t hard. Just bribe the guy who gives you the IQ test.
Dobby53 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Find a woman that likes Planet&Star underwear and she’s a keeper.
Jeff0811 almost 3 years ago
Going to use that ‘trenchant’ line on my boss later today.
MS72 almost 3 years ago
Do trenchant comments come from someone with trench mouth?
RitaGB almost 3 years ago
I want planet-and-stars underpants.
jagedlo almost 3 years ago
“A Boy Of Destiny…Until Reality Hit”…the title of Calvin’s autobiography…
patricev70 almost 3 years ago
Sure, comparing to a stuffed animal IQ…
tripwire45 almost 3 years ago
He’s only six and uses the word “trenchant.”
bbenoit almost 3 years ago
“…the crux of history…” Funny, as I understand it the crux is the most difficult point in a task. Sounds like Calvin has himself pegged to a tee.
William Bednar Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Yes! It really is “lonely at the top”.
klapre almost 3 years ago
Got to give him credit. He’s using “trenchant” sarcastically.
Redd Panda almost 3 years ago
I sympathize with Calvin. I try my best to be compassionate to the hordes of dopes roaming around unfettered.
Today’s dope slap goes to any wacko with an American flag tied to a pickup. You’re being disrespectful to the flag. Stop doing that.
Will_Scarlet almost 3 years ago
The smartest person is the one who understands how little he knows;
ncorgbl almost 3 years ago
Calvin is supposed to be a 6 year old. If so then he is surely a genius, and one of the higher ones. His imagination and views verify that. In the real world a kid like that would need more direction to keep his interest and challenges to keep his motivations. Kids like that need to be engaged or, with no experience, they will do it themselves, and not often successfully.
swanridge almost 3 years ago
Future stable genius material here.
Earnestly Frank almost 3 years ago
He thought his IQ was 181, but he was reading it upside down.
mindjob almost 3 years ago
He’s a super genius because those planets and stars also glow in the dark
MJ Weber Premium Member almost 3 years ago
This is one of my all-time favorite Calvin and Hobbes strips.
Calvins Brother almost 3 years ago
As he says on the Far Side, Pants first, then Shoes.
mistercatworks almost 3 years ago
IQ is essentially mental age/chronological age. Calvin often has some very adult thoughts going on.
smorbie the great and beautiful almost 3 years ago
Oh, the desperate struggles of the mentally-gifted super genius. Only Calvin and Wile E. can know.
Lightpainter almost 3 years ago
I read that first frame and thought , " Uh, oh. Calvin is in a MOOD!"
Black4dder almost 3 years ago
“I get a headache just thinking down to your level. " Marvin The Paranoid Android
christelisbetty almost 3 years ago
Wow Calvin ! It’s like, if I had been born years later as a boy .
GreggW Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Calvin and superego.
Otis Rufus Driftwood almost 3 years ago
Don’t take self proclaimed ‘geniuses’ seriously. (This was Watterson’s week for ranking on the pretentious, wasn’t it?)
tee929 almost 3 years ago
Calvin is years ahead of us—he is ’plaining Donald Trump.
ww9313w almost 3 years ago
We just thought you were making a Boston accent joke.
wolfdad almost 3 years ago