Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for January 09, 2014
Mr. Pinkley: Come to the meeting! I have donuts! Come to the meeting! I have scones! Cathy: Come to the meeting! I have a PDA doing a weird blinky thing! Male co-workers: I can fixt it! I can do it! I'll handle it! Cathy: Stomachs were last year. This year we feed the ego.
legaleagle48: I don’t know who the hell peed in your Cheeri-O’s yesterday to make you turn on me the way you did but I’ll have you know that I didn’t appreciate it. Just because I defended you to someone that called you a hater and a troll, that doesn’t mean I was thinly disguising the fact that I agreed with them. Because if I did, I either would have kept silent or I would have just come right out and said I agreed with them.
And as far as the Cathy/pen/diary storyline goes, just because I don’t remember it doesn’t mean I don’t believe it happened — just the opposite, as a matter of fact [and I even said as much]. I read approximately 81 comics every day — 7 days a week — [yes, I know, as a stay-at-home wife, I’ve obviously got no life] and it’s completely impossible for me to remember every single subject/storyline of every single one of them — especially as long as a year later so I’m sorry that if by my not remembering a specific Cathy comic that was so important to you came across as not believing you. That certainly wasn’t what I meant and I’m sorry if you were offended.
I’ve been a regular reader/poster here for 5 years now. Anyone that “knows” me knows that if anything, I try to be a peacemaker between people who don’t get along and are very vocal about it so that this little corner of the Go Comics universe is always a pleasant place to visit — not only for us regulars but also for anyone else who just happens to stop by. I’ve quit reading other comics and their comments because of the nastiness there and I’ve just always been determined not to let that happen here. So given that, you can’t possibly imagine how bad I felt after that little “sucker-punch in the stomach” you gave me. I hope it was worth it . . . that by being mean and rude to me, it built you up and made you feel a whole lot better about yourself yesterday. At least my very existence won’t be for nothing as far as you’re concerned and I’ll have cheered you up a least a little bit anyhow.