Voice from TV: And now for commentary on the nasdaq for... Mrs. Hillman: I'm sick of the economy!! Sick of the predictions! Sick of the polls! Sick of the pundits! Sick of the panels! PBLTTT!! Mr. Hillman: Mother has succumbed to the "whine flu".
Yes indeed, she has. I guess I’m one of the few that likes information and knows how to turn off the TV or computer when they repeat themselves too much. Knowledge is power, but I acknowledge that sometimes they tend to go on and on about the same thing.
Hello Cathy friends! First of all, THANK YOU to everyone who kindly sent their sympathies and commiserated with the loss of a beloved pet. You all are a fantastic group, which is why I make a point to come by often. We miss our dear Cleo, especially my husband (he was her favorite human) and it’s still rough to see her empty bed where she would sleep and watch us. I’m glad she’s no longer in pain though and she was dearly loved for 18 years and I know we’ll see her again one day. Have a great day, all!