Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for September 27, 2012
Satchel: What did you guys discuss at your cat meeting? Bucky: Lots, the declining quality of scratching posts... The proliferation of cat food filled with vegetables... Satchel: So it was productive? Bucky: I'll be honest. Some of the other cats seemed to have conflicting agendas. Satchel: In that they disagreed with your positions? Bucky: In that they just wanted to go to sleep. Satchel: Ha ha! Ich bin ein Katze!
Randy B Premium Member over 12 years ago
We’ve all been to that meeting.
Arianne over 12 years ago
Ha ha! Katzenjammin’ cats in jammies! (Metaphorically speaking.)
rf_eq over 12 years ago
ich bin ein wuschelig liebhaber
Arianne over 12 years ago
That’s our Satch! So confident in his caninity (canine inity?… dogginess!) that he can openly embrace his feline.. inity.
hometownk Premium Member over 12 years ago
What Satch says translates to “I’m a cat”. Hooray for Google translate. In other words, a cat is a cat is a cat.
Arianne over 12 years ago
Satchel is referring to Kennedy speaking in West Berlin. (For you whippersnappers too young to remember.)
doublepaw over 12 years ago
Yes what is it with cat food filled with sea weed, cranberries, sunflowers and things like that? Funny thing is our cat likes them better than shrimp and tuna feast!
carandken over 12 years ago
Satchel looks like a jelly doughnut.
jackamoney over 12 years ago
“I’m a jelly doughnut.” JFK
jeff.serell over 12 years ago
“I’m a jelly doughnut”…“I did not have sexual relations with that women”…“Victory”…“yes we can” -The fine words of our leaders
Stephen Gilberg over 12 years ago
That should be “eine,” but I’m impressed with Satchel as it is.
TEAMSATCHEL1 over 12 years ago
So Satchel is basically meaning Bucky is a Jelly doughnut Cat?