Isn’t Dean Doozie related to the old family of Doozies from Chicago-who originally came over during the great immigration on a boat from Latvia, but their name then was DaZuedy and got changed when the official on Ellis Island first caught sight of Dean’s great-great-great aunt Delores DaZuedy-who by all accounts was a real bathing beauty-and ogled her openly but couldn’t say her name because he stammered and after 5 attempts just said ”she’s a real du-d-d-doozie!” and it stuck? No? Sorry
fredbuhl, are you from tulsa?…
I apologize , it’s just that your comment seemed familiar in a rambling , disassociated, total clueless way…
no, on second thought, this is sarcasm or you would have launched into a detailed story about some job you had thirty years ago or the color of some car in a parking lot , or what you had for lunch, and then qualified it by some obscure , totally disconnected quote from the bible….
Forgive me for the momentary slip. In my defense it was late and we’d just returned from Christmas at my mother-in-law’s. It won’t happen again, I promise.
My guess: Teresa has run off with Oksan (Oksi Z.). A guy who can write a love note like that…well, who can turn him down?
It’s a long way to Lithuania, though.
Sisyphos about 15 years ago
You’re going to be in deep do-do when Dean Doozie is found dead! (Now, smile for the mugshot-camera; you’ve got such a nice smile!)
margueritem about 15 years ago
Clever ruse, my little friend.
fredbuhl about 15 years ago
Isn’t Dean Doozie related to the old family of Doozies from Chicago-who originally came over during the great immigration on a boat from Latvia, but their name then was DaZuedy and got changed when the official on Ellis Island first caught sight of Dean’s great-great-great aunt Delores DaZuedy-who by all accounts was a real bathing beauty-and ogled her openly but couldn’t say her name because he stammered and after 5 attempts just said ”she’s a real du-d-d-doozie!” and it stuck? No? Sorry
tgaml about 15 years ago
Dean Doozie likes to pop up on any “to do” list!
Nighthawks Premium Member about 15 years ago
fredbuhl, are you from tulsa?… I apologize , it’s just that your comment seemed familiar in a rambling , disassociated, total clueless way…
no, on second thought, this is sarcasm or you would have launched into a detailed story about some job you had thirty years ago or the color of some car in a parking lot , or what you had for lunch, and then qualified it by some obscure , totally disconnected quote from the bible….
Lyons Group, Inc. about 15 years ago
Who is ” Dean Doozie”?
fredbuhl about 15 years ago
Forgive me for the momentary slip. In my defense it was late and we’d just returned from Christmas at my mother-in-law’s. It won’t happen again, I promise.
Ushindi about 15 years ago
I know one thing for sure, Teresa - I am NOT Oksan.
margueritem about 15 years ago
fredbuhl, for what it’s worth, I thought your comment was hilarious!
margueritem about 15 years ago
openminded yes.
FLIGHT SUIT about 15 years ago
If you wanna kill Jon, you gotta go through Fatty!
fredbuhl about 15 years ago
Marg- thanks
Eagleskies Premium Member about 15 years ago
T., it”s okay to take a wee vacation…hope that’s all it is and/or you’re getting your freak on (or off, as the case may be)! :^)
judyparka about 15 years ago
No! No! No! I can’t handle even a few days without Frog Applause!
margueritem about 15 years ago
Sisyphos about 15 years ago
(Monday, 28 XII 09)
Aaaargh! Teresa’s off on A) sick-leave; B) vacation, C) honeymoon, D) a mission of vengeance, E) all of the above, F) none of the above.
ottod Premium Member about 15 years ago
A day without Frog Applause is like… Well… a day without Frog Applause. It’s simileless.
ransomknotts about 15 years ago
No Frog Applause? I’m in mourning until it returns.
fredbuhl about 15 years ago
Hmmm. I may have to go out and get a job. Naaaa.
Ray_C about 15 years ago
My guess: Teresa has run off with Oksan (Oksi Z.). A guy who can write a love note like that…well, who can turn him down? It’s a long way to Lithuania, though.
tgaml about 15 years ago
Hey everybody! Let’s all go read The Doozies!
fredbuhl about 15 years ago
Or how about The Dozies, the story of a young couple of D8 Caterpillers and their brood of D1’s and D5’s, trying to leave their marks on the world?
sandboil about 15 years ago
How many days is “a few days”?
margueritem about 15 years ago
Sniff, I want my Froggy…
ransomknotts about 15 years ago
I can’t take it anymore! Bring back Frog Applause!
Ray_C about 15 years ago
I think this could be called the “Crimestarters Textbook”!
fredbuhl about 15 years ago
I think we’ve milked this baby for all it’s worth.
sandboil about 15 years ago
Finally! Teresa’s coming back!
margueritem about 15 years ago
Oooo, recreational handcuffs!