pbarnrob: If I remember right, the Alaskans already did And she quit the job before the end of her term (apparently to go on a book tour). Can’t help but wonder if she knows who Sonia Sotomayor is (maybe Katie Couric will get a chance to ask her one of these days). P.S. I assume you meant “national public office, right?” :-)
yes, surely there aren’t enough stupid people to get this very, very dangerous person, based on her looks and good ol boy speechifyin’, sworn in as commander in chief of the most powerful armed force the world has ever seen
……the american people aren’t THAT gullible and clueless ..
It’s not the Republicans who will elect Palin in 2012, as there’s not enough of them… it’s the Independents. Those same Independents who elected Obama (only by a 4% margin in the popular vote) and are now experiencing buyer’s remorse as their economy goes down the tubes, Congress spends recklessly on pork, and terrorist attacks on US soil resume.
What frightens me about Sarah Palin is that so many people don’t understand WHY she might appeal to the folks in the larger part of the nation who are tired of the double-speak, political posturing, and “we’re so much smarter than the rest of you” attitude that oozes from the primordial slime in Washington DC. I’d be willing to bet a lot more of her popularity is due to her attitude than her political stance. I’m not a Palin fan per se, but I’m even less a fan of the Harry Reids, Nancy Pelosis, Tom Delays, Newt Gingriches and such who populate the halls of our nation’s capitol and legislate from a place far removed from the lives of most Americans.
It amazes me how much fear Sarah Palin generates in the left. I’m guessing it’s because she’s willing to point out that Emperor Obama is naked, and that is attracting voters that in the past were too disgusted to vote, much less attend rallies.
The bottom line is that Palin’s success terrifies the left. It’s the flip side of the NPR left turning on Obama.
Yes, Palin’s a dope, all right. During her acceptance speech for VP, she made the following comment about Obama:
“Al-Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America, and he’s worried that someone won’t read ‘em their rights.”
And Obama responded on 60 Minutes by saying:
“Now, do these folks deserve Miranda rights? Do they deserve to be treated like a shoplifter down the block? Of course not.”
And yet, are Afghan terrorists being captured on the battlefield today being read their Miranda rights? Was the foreign terrorist who tried to drop a plane onto Detroit read his Miranda rights? You betcha, to both.
So, who’s the dummy? Palin, who got it right, or Obama and his supporters, who despite common sense and their own words are granting Constitutional rights to non-citizen terrorists?
Sure, we Mirandize, because that’s how the White Hats in the old Westerns operate. You get to draw first, then we wipe you out and it’s self-defense. With witnesses.
Innocent until proven guilty; doesn’t matter where you’re from, once you’re here, that’s our way.
In a combat zone (read, Over There - and we hope, Not Here) it’s a bit different. Under arms and out of uniform, you’re a suspect or a target - or both.
Black and white’s for old movies. It’s a complicated world, and the simplest rules (and rulers) just won’t cut it. Nor will claiming “We don’t torture” in the face of the evidence. We’ve got some serious trust-building to do to get over that, and it won’t be a week, or a year, or one term of office to fix…
Geo. Jr. stole the first election but we were dumb enough to let him get away with it & then elect him in ‘04 because of his war was on with our children. W.C. Fields was right, “no one ever did go broke underestimating the taste of the American Public.” The good news is that we have had several mediocre presidents & more than one BAD one & the country, by the Grace of God, survives.
pbarnrob about 15 years ago
Take it for entertainment value. Certainly we wouldn’t ever elect her to public office, right?
lewisbower about 15 years ago
Got her book for Christmas. Anyone need a doorstop?
florchi about 15 years ago
pbarnrob: If I remember right, the Alaskans already did And she quit the job before the end of her term (apparently to go on a book tour). Can’t help but wonder if she knows who Sonia Sotomayor is (maybe Katie Couric will get a chance to ask her one of these days). P.S. I assume you meant “national public office, right?” :-)
Ravenswing about 15 years ago
Yeah, she’s just a loonier Mitt the Git Romney; like him, I don’t want a dilettante in the Oval Office with a record of bailing when she gets bored.
Nighthawks Premium Member about 15 years ago
yes, surely there aren’t enough stupid people to get this very, very dangerous person, based on her looks and good ol boy speechifyin’, sworn in as commander in chief of the most powerful armed force the world has ever seen ……the american people aren’t THAT gullible and clueless ..
surely not
3hourtour Premium Member about 15 years ago
..the surest sign the world is going to end in 2012…sarah palin for president..
babka Premium Member about 15 years ago
3hourtour - yes, but will it end in time?
bradwilliams about 15 years ago
Uh… we did elect George Jr.
amabobama about 15 years ago
amabobama in 2012!
longtimecomicsfan about 15 years ago
Shouldn’t the proper palindromic year be 2112? Or 2002?
durtclaw about 15 years ago
Idiot, puppet, megalomaniac, pervert and coward already have been in office why not a mean mother?
RinaFarina about 15 years ago
she’s a pa(l)in, isn’t she!
Nemesys about 15 years ago
It’s not the Republicans who will elect Palin in 2012, as there’s not enough of them… it’s the Independents. Those same Independents who elected Obama (only by a 4% margin in the popular vote) and are now experiencing buyer’s remorse as their economy goes down the tubes, Congress spends recklessly on pork, and terrorist attacks on US soil resume.
wndrwrthg about 15 years ago
Where can I get an “Imbecilla from Wasilla” action figure?
jpozenel about 15 years ago
She doesn’t frighten me as much as the people that support her.
MisngNOLA about 15 years ago
What frightens me about Sarah Palin is that so many people don’t understand WHY she might appeal to the folks in the larger part of the nation who are tired of the double-speak, political posturing, and “we’re so much smarter than the rest of you” attitude that oozes from the primordial slime in Washington DC. I’d be willing to bet a lot more of her popularity is due to her attitude than her political stance. I’m not a Palin fan per se, but I’m even less a fan of the Harry Reids, Nancy Pelosis, Tom Delays, Newt Gingriches and such who populate the halls of our nation’s capitol and legislate from a place far removed from the lives of most Americans.
bradwilliams about 15 years ago
One good thing about Palin, finaly a beauth queen that does not want world peace.
saw4fire about 15 years ago
It amazes me how much fear Sarah Palin generates in the left. I’m guessing it’s because she’s willing to point out that Emperor Obama is naked, and that is attracting voters that in the past were too disgusted to vote, much less attend rallies.
The bottom line is that Palin’s success terrifies the left. It’s the flip side of the NPR left turning on Obama.
bradwilliams about 15 years ago
Lefties are not afriad of Palin. She is our greatest hope. Someone any dem can beat any day.
Nemesys about 15 years ago
Yes, Palin’s a dope, all right. During her acceptance speech for VP, she made the following comment about Obama:
“Al-Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America, and he’s worried that someone won’t read ‘em their rights.”
And Obama responded on 60 Minutes by saying:
“Now, do these folks deserve Miranda rights? Do they deserve to be treated like a shoplifter down the block? Of course not.”
And yet, are Afghan terrorists being captured on the battlefield today being read their Miranda rights? Was the foreign terrorist who tried to drop a plane onto Detroit read his Miranda rights? You betcha, to both.
So, who’s the dummy? Palin, who got it right, or Obama and his supporters, who despite common sense and their own words are granting Constitutional rights to non-citizen terrorists?
pbarnrob about 15 years ago
Sure, we Mirandize, because that’s how the White Hats in the old Westerns operate. You get to draw first, then we wipe you out and it’s self-defense. With witnesses.
Innocent until proven guilty; doesn’t matter where you’re from, once you’re here, that’s our way.
In a combat zone (read, Over There - and we hope, Not Here) it’s a bit different. Under arms and out of uniform, you’re a suspect or a target - or both.
Black and white’s for old movies. It’s a complicated world, and the simplest rules (and rulers) just won’t cut it. Nor will claiming “We don’t torture” in the face of the evidence. We’ve got some serious trust-building to do to get over that, and it won’t be a week, or a year, or one term of office to fix…
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 15 years ago
Are you sure that this strip isn’t about the health care bill?
pbarnrob - we elected Obama didn’t we?
ChuckTrent64 about 15 years ago
Geo. Jr. stole the first election but we were dumb enough to let him get away with it & then elect him in ‘04 because of his war was on with our children. W.C. Fields was right, “no one ever did go broke underestimating the taste of the American Public.” The good news is that we have had several mediocre presidents & more than one BAD one & the country, by the Grace of God, survives.
Albany58 about 15 years ago
WC Fields stole a lot of stuff from H.L. Mencken.
walde 5 months ago
This week is a rerun of the week of November 24, 2008