Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for July 11, 2017
woman: why do I have to change just 'cause wonder woman did? Bixby: 'cause you're a wonder woman rip off! woman: What?? how am I a rip off of her?? bixby: Are you serious?? you're almost identical!! woman: She's an ancient greek; I'm an ancient celt! she's made of clay! I'm made of stone! and I have nothing like her "magic lasso of truth"! bixby: what about your "Bloody mace of persuasion" woman: well, it does get results...
Kevin Roth Premium Member over 7 years ago
Actually, that’s a Flail.
StoicLion1973 over 7 years ago
Of course, Bixby is genre-savvy. Now if he breaks the 4th wall…
FrankSF Premium Member over 7 years ago
She’s Celtic with THAT tan?