It’s so true…the people who most criticise us for not being better people are often the very ones who refuse to believe we could change, and refuse to accept the changes we make ourselves. I remember proudly showing a project I had started to a friend who is a psychologist. Her reaction was, “You’ll never get it done.” Gee, thanks for the support!
rockstarjeo about 12 years ago
i wanna remove broom hilda on my comic list? can someone help me? just dumb.
paha_siga about 12 years ago
And don’t forget to save changes.
rockstarjeo about 12 years ago
thanks guys! happy new year!
orinoco womble about 12 years ago
It’s so true…the people who most criticise us for not being better people are often the very ones who refuse to believe we could change, and refuse to accept the changes we make ourselves. I remember proudly showing a project I had started to a friend who is a psychologist. Her reaction was, “You’ll never get it done.” Gee, thanks for the support!
skeeterhawk about 12 years ago
Her typical tactic to keep him subdued. He’s probably her only client.
William Bednar Premium Member about 12 years ago
Rats! That was my plan!
alondra about 12 years ago
Don’t let idiots like Lucy determine your future Charlie Brown. It’s up to you what you make of yourself.
Number Three about 12 years ago
You tell her, Charlie Brown!
Lucy needs to stop being crabby, mean, selfish, stuck up and… many other things.
You don’t need to change ANYTHING, Charlie Brown.
Number Three about 12 years ago
I wish you all the very best for 2013. Have a wonderful year!
AND enjoy the weekend!
IdahoSpud about 12 years ago
Hope Charlie Brown someday realizes that Lucy is far more messed-up than he is, and ignores her.
Captin Ausome about 12 years ago
Charlie Brown can’t kick a football