FoxTrot by Bill Amend for November 25, 2012

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    SoItBegins~  about 12 years ago

    6 degrees of separation.

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    tripwire45  about 12 years ago

    Manipulated by women again.

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    jsplegge  about 12 years ago

    “pick ’em up later”? Whut?

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  4. Mytar
    jimcos  about 12 years ago

    The stronger sex is actually the weaker sex because of the stronger sex’s weakness for the weaker sex.

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    fixer1967  about 12 years ago

    Last panel, yes you do. A deal is a deal

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    cubswin2016  about 12 years ago

    How gullible.

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    vwdualnomand  about 12 years ago

    facebook…6 degrees in practice.

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  8. Mime
    Reynie  about 12 years ago

    Facebook?Who really cares?

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    Doctor11  about 12 years ago

    If she wants to use the word “special” she can since it is a word that can be used for anyone who is unique, and please reframe from using the “R” word, please.

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  10. My eye
    vldazzle  about 12 years ago

    I disagree with some of you about FB. I use it all the time and do not fear for my ID because I also monitor all my accounts online and pay my bills that way.

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    phoenixnyc  about 12 years ago

    How do you think I survived high school? Every girl in the drama club told her football playing boyfriend, “Lay off him, or else.”

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    Maevis13  about 12 years ago

    It’s so weird to see the girls talking about Facebook because when I used to read those comics, in the strips, it was like the 1990s- 2002. Crazy?!

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    Andy P Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows Kevin Bacon.

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    An Average Comic Reader  almost 2 years ago

    “no i’m not obsessed”

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