I have some nice ones in good outdoor light, but usually in my Medieval garb. My HS yearpook photo is still the favorite of my lover – he has it on the wall of his office. He likes his own younger photos too, but we are both mid 70s and my avatar was the last time together (July 2012).
rubinocreative Premium Member about 12 years ago
Do you photograph well? Prove it.
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cstewart23 about 12 years ago
I don’t show up on film. Or in mirrors.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 12 years ago
Well I haven’t broken any cameras yet.
Dani Rice about 12 years ago
Well, if I could figure out how to paste a photo, I’d do it.
saxie5 about 12 years ago
I use to be a school photographer and it was scary what some kids thought looked good in pictures!
vldazzle about 12 years ago
I have some nice ones in good outdoor light, but usually in my Medieval garb. My HS yearpook photo is still the favorite of my lover – he has it on the wall of his office. He likes his own younger photos too, but we are both mid 70s and my avatar was the last time together (July 2012).
vldazzle about 12 years ago
I have a lot of older ones (HS in 55, wedding in 59) and many others all on my FB page.