Gee. If only the Obaminator and Boehner could realize that’s what’s happening to the good old US of A. What? The King of Id is smarter than real politicians? I’m getting brain freeze.
Funny strip, don’t need your politics. Especially when you manage that consummate combination of partisanship and ignorance. No one did more than the democrats to foul up things by haranguing banks into making loans to honest poor people who simply could not repay them.
whitecarabao about 12 years ago
Now, where have we heard that advice before?
Rakkav about 12 years ago
First time I recall the Huns holing up in a castle. Or even being on the defensive.
batterd_citizen about 12 years ago
i say—next time the banks get into trouble—let their investors bail them out!!!!!
Charlie Fogwhistle about 12 years ago
Gee. If only the Obaminator and Boehner could realize that’s what’s happening to the good old US of A. What? The King of Id is smarter than real politicians? I’m getting brain freeze.
WW2 Marine Veteran about 12 years ago
With the magnitude of our national debt we could be arriving along with the conditions of this strip.
bgby4884 about 12 years ago
Funny, when Bush was prez everything was the fault of the president. Now with Obama in charge, nothing is his fault. It’s all Congress!
jbarnes about 12 years ago
right…because this has worked so well with our embargo on Cuba
pouncingtiger about 12 years ago
Thanks. If you don’t understand, turn off and stop watching Fox News.
pouncingtiger about 12 years ago
Yes and Mitt Romney killed Osama bin Laden. NOT!
brklnbern about 12 years ago
Funny strip, don’t need your politics. Especially when you manage that consummate combination of partisanship and ignorance. No one did more than the democrats to foul up things by haranguing banks into making loans to honest poor people who simply could not repay them.
Rickapolis about 12 years ago
Ancestors of Grover Norquist.
Rodney99 about 12 years ago
Too late. My credit score passed 500 (on the way DOWN) years ago! About the same time my income went away, actually…