New Adventures of Queen Victoria by Pab Sungenis for September 21, 2008

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    margueritem  over 16 years ago


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    Z-mage  over 16 years ago

    She sure knows a lot for someone who doesn’t like it.

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  3. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 16 years ago

    The only show on that list that I watch is “CSI: Des Moines”.

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    Nugget0 Premium Member over 16 years ago

    So many went without mention: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Bones - looks like Fox didn’t make the list at all

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    pibfan868  over 16 years ago

    I used to play a game with juke box selections (anyone remember juke boxes??) where I would read titles of two songs one right after the other, and quite often they made a (possibly skewed)certain kind of sense. I invite you to do so with some show titles: then you could have “How I met your mother, the big bang theory” etc. Or Boston Legal Knight Rider :)It’s rather fun, I think.

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    Pab Sungenis creator over 16 years ago

    Nugget0: I only had so much room to work with; if I had room to list the entire network lineup I just might have.

    There are a few (very few) shows on that list that I like. “Heroes,” “Big Bang,” “Mother,” “Grey’s.” I also enjoy “House,” and that’s about it for network.

    pibfan868: I used to play “jukebox wars.” See what obnoxious song you could play that you didn’t mind, but everyone else in the diner would hate. Then someone would escalate. First person to play the foreign language record lost.

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    ChiehHsia  over 16 years ago

    Dang, I thought that only happened in cowboy bars.

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