Nugget0: I only had so much room to work with; if I had room to list the entire network lineup I just might have.
There are a few (very few) shows on that list that I like. “Heroes,” “Big Bang,” “Mother,” “Grey’s.” I also enjoy “House,” and that’s about it for network.
pibfan868: I used to play “jukebox wars.” See what obnoxious song you could play that you didn’t mind, but everyone else in the diner would hate. Then someone would escalate. First person to play the foreign language record lost.
Nugget0: I only had so much room to work with; if I had room to list the entire network lineup I just might have.
There are a few (very few) shows on that list that I like. “Heroes,” “Big Bang,” “Mother,” “Grey’s.” I also enjoy “House,” and that’s about it for network.
pibfan868: I used to play “jukebox wars.” See what obnoxious song you could play that you didn’t mind, but everyone else in the diner would hate. Then someone would escalate. First person to play the foreign language record lost.