Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 11, 2012
Duke: Texas is seceding? Earl: Well, there's a big online petition for it... The organizers want us to push the idea on The Hill. Personally, I think it'd be great for the country. Duke: It might have been. It's too late now. Earl: Why too late? Duke: The Bushes have already spread to other states. Earl: But the Perry's haven't! This could contain them!
Linguist about 12 years ago
There is no containing the Perrywinkles !
Peabody-Martini about 12 years ago
I’d say don’t let the door hit you on the way out but if I wanted to share a border with a theocratic failed state I’d move to East Africa.
mrbribery about 12 years ago
I’d think Duke & Son would want to facilitate the spreading of Bushes and Perrys.
Agent54 about 12 years ago
Perry – one of the top 10 most common names. They could be anywhere.
freeholder1 about 12 years ago
I guess there’s now a reason for Massachusetts to secede what with alln the Kennedys. (Just wanted to spark so fires.)
freeholder1 about 12 years ago
Again: let them..Declare war. Make them a protectorate. Seize all the assets of the oil co.s and pay off the national debt with them. (Worked for the Saudis.)
freeholder1 about 12 years ago
if they take the Cowboys with them, they got my vote.
Beekeeper62 about 12 years ago
When you take all the money of the rich, who will they come after next?
luckylouie about 12 years ago
Can people from other states sign the petition? I can guarantee them 37,691,912 votes from California.
jnik23260 about 12 years ago
If Texas will take South Carolina with if, they’ve got a deal!
cowboydan about 12 years ago
Perry’s mind seceded himself a long, long time ago.
Astolat about 12 years ago
To continue the sartorial discussion from yesterday, it is now clear that Earl is indeed wearing a blue shirt with contrasting white collar and double cuffs (which he seems to have undone and rolled up between strips?). It’s still sometimes known over here as a “David Steel”, after the Liberal Democrat politician best known for wearing them.
And, so far as we are concerned, what he is wearing over them is ‘braces’. ‘Earl wearing suspenders’ conjures up a completely different image, though it is not an unknown headline in some of our more racy tabloid newspapers…
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
If weed (think invasive, toxic Bushes and Perrys) could cross a state line, but not an international border, then pot couldn’t come from Mexico into the U.S. Clearly it does. So Earl is wrong.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
“Texans has always pretty much considered themselves a separate country anyway.”
Nah. That’s an out-of-state myth. I lived there. I listened to FDR’s fireside chats over the new-fangled radio in our living room. In San Antonio at age 5 years old, I heard an excited radio announcer saying that the new A-bomb would END WWII in Japan — saving a milion American “soldier boys” lives! And the new 100-times-more-powerful-H-bomb would PREVENT WWIII. (So far this ad proven to be true!
Genuine Texans all love their national land “from the mountains to the prairies to theoceans white with foam”, the land “from sea to shining sea”. Think of how Texans distinguished themselves in WWII on the ground, on the sea, and in the air!
While the rest of the nation back home prayed “through the night for the light from above”.
No way could you be right, gmartin997! No way could you be a real patriot if you’re trying to exclude patriotic Texans from America!
vwdualnomand about 12 years ago
due to demographics, they project that texas will be 60/40 non-anglo by 2030. if texas does secede, with that demographics, it might go back to mexico. plus, all those military bases leave, their football will be crap, and texas was a republic back in 1800s, which was a really bad time for texas.
barefootanarchist about 12 years ago
@Dylan When you take all the money from rich or poor, it’s still called stealing.
Beleck3 about 12 years ago
nah, too bad we cant get rid of Texas. too late, but there is hope. eventually the state will turn blue, thanks to the latinos. will take some time.
heard teh Bushes bought lots of land in Paraguay. so the Bushes are everywhere, maybe thought we can get some Roundup. lol. better living throught chemistry!
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
We all have to pay taxes for things we don’t want as well as things we do want. The military industrial complex is enormous. The oil companies and other corporations who make plenty of $ are also subsidized by our taxes. At least the poor can use the $. Why complain about them? Be glad you aren’t poor. And if you don’t have as much $ as you would like complain about the true culprits, which is not the poor.
JAPrufrock about 12 years ago
I’m for offering the cheerleaders dual citizenship.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
If I had been silly enough to believe it was an option, I would have been happy to secede under W, and I would have been joined by many others.
Dapperdan61 Premium Member about 12 years ago
I remember after Bush II was reelected a lot of people were talking about moving to Canada. I know some people actually did but I think they moved for the wrong reasons. No country is perfect & we’re always going to criticize our leaders whoever they are. We all need to take a deep breath & stop all this foolish talk of seceding, it ain’t gonna happen.
route66paul about 12 years ago
That is the same attitude of many college educated people with great jobs, complaining about school taxes. They got to school on someone else’s dime, but children of “those people” don’t deserve to go to a school with a full set of books in a classroom.
tlynnch about 12 years ago
Heck yea! Let’s sell Texas to the Colombian Cartels for 20 trillion and pay off the deficit. It would balance the budget and increase the national IQ too.
watashi73 about 12 years ago
Greece is the example. First democracy crashed when the left behinds killed the rich and took their money. Problem was they knew how to spend money, not make it. Phillip and Alexander finished the job. Who will finish us? Chinese?
Kip W about 12 years ago
Everything’s a hyperbolic slippery slope! Asking an additional percentage point or two? THEY STEALIN ALL MAH MONEYZ!! A thousand dimwits sign an online petition? ALL THE STATEZ WANNA SECEDE!! Take a breath. (And no, you won’t explode.)
x666dog about 12 years ago
@Freeholder1 – don’t watch much NFL, do you? The Bears dropped their cheerleaders last century.
charliesommers about 12 years ago
My memory is not perfect but I seem to recall that the last time a few states tried this it didn’t work very well.
Hectoruno about 12 years ago
If Texas secedes than Perto Rico can become a state to keep the total at 50. We wouldn’t even need to change the Flag.
marzipANn about 12 years ago
If you were to take all the money from the rich, you would still leave with them their educational advantage, their social and financial connections, and their lightly used clothes, which would bring a large sum in resale. Down and out only seems more dramatic in the rich.
DeeBeeS about 12 years ago
Let’s see what the consequences are for secession (armed response aside…….. for the moment):
All federal military bases close and all personnel moved to the other 49 states.
All Social Security checks stopped at once.
All Medicaid payments to Texas stopped.
All college loans backed by federal loan guarantees called in for full payment at once.
All monies for infrasturctures (highways, roads, bridges, etc.) stopped all at once.
All educationsl financial support funds from the federal government to the state for colleges, and public education at all levels immediately stopped.
All Medicare payments to Texas doctors stopped at once.
All savings bonds held by Texans labled as “junk status”; i.e., cannot be traded or sold due to lack of an economic coopertation treaty between the new “Republic of Texas” and the U.S.
All research and other grants to Texas universities stopped and recalled by the federal government.
All commercial traffic coming to the U.S. through the port of Houston to be refused at the port, pending any economic treaty between Texas and U.S.
Sales of all commodities (cotton, wheat, soybeans, etc.) to the U.S. stopped at once pending same economic treaty.
All U.S. government property in Texas (Natinal parks, military basis, national forests, etc., etc.,) closed to “foreigners” i.e, Texans.
The list goes on and on, but you get the idea.
Be careful what you wish for Texians, you might just get it!!
DeeBeeS about 12 years ago
Oh, and I forgot to mention the best parts:
All Texians need a visa to enter the U.S., provided the U.S. grants such visas. All vehicular traffict to the U.S. (trucks, trains, busses, cars and airplanes) stopped and refused entry “until further notice.”
Illegals will be rounded up and imprisoned or re-patriateed to the Repbulic of Texas as “undesireables.”
All commecial business between the Republic of Texas and the U.S. is forbidden pending an economic treaty between the two entities.
All sporting events between any teams at any level (professional sports, college, etc.) and comparable teams in the U.S. are canceled until further notice.
And best of all (drum roll, please)…… the U.S declares it will not defend Texas from any effort by Mexico to take back land now knows as the Repubic of Texas!!
dook about 12 years ago
Not unless Puerto Rico becomes a state.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Meanwhile, in other news, are you ready for Senator Stephen Colbert? I am! I like the sound of it! He would do much better than his predecessor!
djmalloy about 12 years ago
Texas is probably especially sore after last night’s loss to the Blue State Patriots.
Mark Smithhisler Premium Member about 12 years ago
Thanks GT! We Texas liberals (yes there are a few of us) needed the laugh.
Seriously, if secession would keep the Perrys contained it’d be worth the move back to New Mexico.
Kali39 about 12 years ago
Don’t forget the George W Bush Presidential Library and Remedial Kindergarten will be there, so that removes one source of evil if Texas secedes……Now if we could just coax Fox Snooze to move to Texas…
cwg about 12 years ago
Boo Hiss Hiss
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
“… we let yall freeze in the dark. Thank god for Eagle Ford Oil and Gas.”
No wind, solar, geothermal, or hydroelectric energy production? Global warming instead?
georgelcsmith about 12 years ago
As I recall, Texas is doing better than most of the rest of the states, though we have suffered from the economic rot that is infecting the rest of the nation. If the Federal Government were as good as the Texas state government, we would all be more free and more prosperous.
Only a sinner saved by grace about 12 years ago
Topper that I am, I signed the one to have the entire US sucede from the government.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
“BENGHAZI!!! …. Make them explain!!!
To explainis a pain.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
“… [Fox News] bring things out that no other news channel will touch with a ten foot pole.”
I doubt that.
kaffekup about 12 years ago
“and many times bring things out” = makes things up that no other self-respecting media will touch.
johnmc1925 about 12 years ago
Let the Republic of Texas rise again. We will be just fine keeping all the petroleum taxes to ourselves and selling the oil to the U.S.