Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for December 17, 2012

  1. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...™  about 12 years ago

    Good answer.

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  2. Underdog2
    Under Dog Premium Member about 12 years ago

    A line from the article.“Last year, one of Miss O’Hanlon’s great-grandsons used his connection to the “Yes, Virginia” story to have his two children jump ahead in line to meet Santa at a mall in Boise, Idaho.” Yeah that’s the old Christmas spirit.

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  3. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member about 12 years ago

    are there a lot of mothers out there who can sit in the lotus position on a couch and look comfortable?

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  4. Knotts char 3
    Habogee  about 12 years ago

    That’s not a full yoga position. If it were you could see both feet. She is just sitting in a relaxed crosslegged position. I do it all the time.

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  5. D11s01ep00 wal 01 matt smith
    Doctor11  about 12 years ago

    Nice save Laura.

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  6. J p engagement
    CashewJim  about 12 years ago

    Dear Ms. Nosynews,My wife tells me that every year in my rounds I have been missing one of the United States. She says it is called Virginia. Please tell me, is there a Virginia.Thank You, Santa Claus

    Dear Santa,Yes there is a Virgina.Sincerely, Ms. Nosynews

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