Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for January 04, 2013
When a father and son got into trouble in the waters of Depoe Bay, Ore., In July 2012, they were rescued by Emily, a robotic lifeguard that can swim 40 mph! Sylvilagus Palustris Hefneri, a species of rabbit, is names after Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner, who donated money to help protect them! Fire eater Miss Mena, from Myrtle Beach, S.C., has a tattoo of a Ford F-150 truck, not because she likes them but because she has been hit by one 3 times!
linsonl about 12 years ago
I couldn’t keep the transmission working in the one I had long enough to hit someone even one time.
rini1946 about 12 years ago
first clue would be if it was the same driver
jploch5408 about 12 years ago
Probably Hefner’s “donated money” was royalties paid for the use of the rabbit’s head likeness for all those years.
ferritt123 about 12 years ago
Lucky Lady!
Puddleglum2 about 12 years ago
When you run into the street, you’re playing with fire.
Puddleglum2 about 12 years ago
“I, Robot”
da11a5 about 12 years ago
I’d LOVE to “Hit It”…….but not with a Truck!! ;]
Stephen Gilberg about 12 years ago
And did the driver do it on purpose?
comicnut4636 about 12 years ago
Miss Mena not very smart…brain got fried.
Marvin3 about 12 years ago
If there was ever a better example of a female fool Miss Mena is chumpion of them all.