Frazz by Jef Mallett for January 25, 2013
Frazz: I heard the average American is 25 pounds heavier that 20 years ago. Caulfield: So? Frazz: So?!! Caulfield: I expect to be a good 80 pounds heavier in just 10 years. Frazz: I don't think it meant you specifically. Caulfield: Good. Who wants to be average?
Varnes almost 12 years ago
Good one Jef
vwdualnomand almost 12 years ago
yep, we are nation of fatties. we eat more, and burn less. we rather sit and watch a sport, than play it. food companies putting artificial stuff in food, especially high fructose corn syrup.
cabalonrye almost 12 years ago
No, it’s a conspiracy by the government. They switched the gravity higher to make people believe they are heavier. It is a plan to control people’s right to drink a liter of soda per serving. So there. :)
kingstonave almost 12 years ago
The departments of Agriculture and HEW were secretly taken over by aliens some time during the first Bush administration. This is all part of their plan to take over.
leons1701 almost 12 years ago
I’m fed up with this anti-BMI crusade I keep seeing. Sure it’s a flawed measurement for extreme corner cases, but for the vast majority of people it’s the simplest reasonably accurate method for determining healthy weight. It’s far easier than a caliper test and much, much easier and cheaper than using an immersion tank to get a completely accurate body fat reading. And I have yet to see any evidence of the military kicking people out solely based on BMI. Yes, they measure BMI for new recruits, and those who score outside the normal range are required to be tested for body fat percentage. This is a reasonable method of doing things and allows those who are ‘too muscular’ to pass. Also, claims that all pro football players are obese according to BMI are kind of silly because 1) they’re incorrect, not all of them are hugely muscular, just mostand 2) they assume that all NFL players are paragons of physical fitness, which is highly debatable. Unhealthy training regimens, deliberately designed to prepare the body for extreme abuse are not the model most people should be aspiring too.
poihths almost 12 years ago
For many people, BMI is just another medical number they don’t understand. Many people don’t understand anything medical. One must remember that about 16% of the population is at least one standard deviation below the mean on the IQ curve. By the way, they vote. Not in large numbers, but they vote.
jessegooddoggy almost 12 years ago
Everyone needs a dog for a daily walk, good for the body and soul.
Seed_drill almost 12 years ago
Funny, I weigh about the same as I did 20 years ago. It’s weighing 30 pounds less than I did 10 years ago that’s the accomplishment.
Varnes almost 12 years ago
jessegooddoggy, I go for a walk with my casts almost every day
annieb1012 almost 12 years ago
@Varnes “I go for a walk with my cats almost every day”
(I assume you meant “cats.”) In order for me to go for a walk with my (3) cats, I’d have to be able to vault to the top of the fence, walk along a 1.5" rail, scale the neighbors’ garage wall to its roof, traverse the ridge, drop to the ground, squeeze under their fence, slink along behind the shrubbery, ….. And somehow, I’m just not that agile!
annieb1012 almost 12 years ago
I did have a friend years ago whose big old tom cat Bro would walk a couple of miles in the woods with him every day. I gave him a little kitten (Sadie) who learned to walk along with them. Apparently it was quite a sight to see the three in single file, the baby bringing up the rear, meandering up and down the mountainsides.
mplsmtnbiker almost 12 years ago
Main reason people are more obese today than 20 years ago, is the whole grain, low fat foods that have been pushed on us. Man was not built to run purely on carbs, whether they be whole grain or pure sugar.
hippogriff almost 12 years ago
treesareus: Despite being the only country in the overdeveloped world without adequate health care, it is believed that a healthy citizenry is in the national interest.
cutiepie29 almost 12 years ago
Huh. I think I must be throwing off the curve a bit. I am around 30 lbs heavier than I was 20 years ago. Of course, 20 years ago, I was almost painfully thin (122 lbs on a 5’ 8" girl/woman). Now, instead of looking like the ballet dancer I was, I am a healthy mother of three young boys. I prefer me now (although I do miss the flat-to-concave stomach I used to have).
KasparV almost 12 years ago
Good luck with that. He will never cite sources or attempt to back up his ridiculous statements with facts.
water_moon almost 12 years ago
I remeber once commenting that “average” was the wierdest thing I could ever think of, I mean having .4 of a kid? Is that always being 4 months pregers?