Marmaduke by Brad Anderson for January 31, 2013

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    batterd_citizen  almost 12 years ago

    whenever i was served raw carrots, i ALWAYS gave themto my Short Haired Collie..Boots..she loved ’ yuck

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    t1warren  almost 12 years ago

    My dog loves carrots. If I don’t give her a couple of small ones in the morning she pouts!

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    Otera  almost 12 years ago

    my dog hates carrots, but my step-mom’s dog doesn’t mind them. we’ll toss carrots to both of them and my step-mom’s dog eats the first ten to go to either of them. after that, my dog feels left out and begrudgingly eats a carrot

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    legaleagle48  almost 12 years ago

    My boyfriend’s cat loves lettuce. Ozzie will sit on the floor and look longingly at any salad my boyfriend is making until my boyfriend gives him a piece of lettuce to chow down on!

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    Number Three  almost 12 years ago

    Hmmmmm…. I wonder who the culprit is?

    LOL xxx

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    AmyGrantfan51774  almost 12 years ago

    that’s funny…Marmaduke stole the carrots off the snowmen!!!!!

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