Monty by Jim Meddick for February 13, 2013
Somehow we must convince these Neanderthals of our friendly intent... Gee, Doc... They really seem to like my sweater. Do whatever you can to appease... Here! I... Give... To you... In... Spirit... Of... Peace... And... Brotherly... Wah! Ah! Woo! Eyahhhh! Um... Actually... Uh... When you wear it like that, a kind of stretches it out...
Randy B Premium Member almost 12 years ago
It doesn’t matter, Monty, because you’re not getting it back.
tattooedcyberidiot almost 12 years ago
In all these years it never occurred to me that Monty was strutting about in crotchless Neanderthal panties
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Tattoooed… LOL! And wearing them upside down!
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
My only hope is that the neanderthals don’t like underwear.
PLEASE, Meddick…. let them not like boxer shorts.
hometownk Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Can we hope that the green pants are now history? Groan Did I just say history?
frogsandravens almost 12 years ago
Behold the power of “skants”:
Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Is he wearing Eno’s underware?
PICTO almost 12 years ago
…And that’s how the underwear model got to star in a remake of “Planet of the Apes”.
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
Are the Neanderthalers appeased? It seems so, even if they are mis-wearing The Clothes Formerly Known as Monty’s. So don’t blow it, Monty! The Professor seems to be depending on you, ironically enough….
AlexPK85 almost 12 years ago
“Get your paws off my clothes you damn dirty apes.”
mrsdonaldson almost 12 years ago
If he does get them back, now he has DNA!
puddlesplatt almost 12 years ago
who got the other cloths?
yangeldf almost 12 years ago
those aren’t Neanderthals, Neanderthals would look basically human except for having bigger noses and a more stout physique. They actually look more like a more ancient hominid such as Australopithecus.
Mythfan Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Ugh! Those things have Monty’s germs on them. Don’t those guys know that a germ to which they have never been exposed and to which they have no defense can totally wipe out ….
…. oh …
So that’s what happened to them.
Popeyesforearm almost 12 years ago
Yea, I did the with my wifes….nevermind.
iced tea almost 12 years ago
It’s strange the Neanderthals don’t take them as some kind of gods.
boldyuma almost 12 years ago
The apes in the movie 2001 Space Odyssey didn’t have
as much fun as this …Watch out though,Alley OOP is going
to come in from the left side comics column, take names
and kick azz!
ramonesfan almost 12 years ago
Hunter7 almost 12 years ago
yeah. that proves it. They`re family.
Varnes almost 12 years ago
Neanderthals didn’t go extinct, they are still around…They play the NFL …