DO you and Marcy have an accountant or financial advisor?
So now, you gonna get up all in my business huh, Pop?
Im an adult! My finances are nobody else's concern!
This is why i hate borrowing your money!
Per FactCheck, the Clinton-era “surplus” was due to increases in Social Security taxes on payroll, not due to a growth-oriented fiscal policy. There is also evidence the tech bubble attributed to the perceived surplus but that comes from another source.
We use to borrow from my parents but we got tired of hearing my mom complain. Then my b-i-l wife did the same and we got an ear full from her. Then we had to borrow elsewhere until paid off. We always paid the parents off. Now we do without.
The bottom line is that Clinton never actually had extra money, he just got closer than anyone else in the recent past to balancing the budget (though I suppose you could say he did have extra money if you count intergovernmental loans).
Rod Gonzalez almost 12 years ago
Talk about touchy.
Stan King almost 12 years ago
Sounding more and more like his President. “Don’t hold me accountable. Just give me your money!”
Olddog1 almost 12 years ago
I can suggest a solution for that problem.
StoicLion1973 almost 12 years ago
Per FactCheck, the Clinton-era “surplus” was due to increases in Social Security taxes on payroll, not due to a growth-oriented fiscal policy. There is also evidence the tech bubble attributed to the perceived surplus but that comes from another source.
kab2rb almost 12 years ago
We use to borrow from my parents but we got tired of hearing my mom complain. Then my b-i-l wife did the same and we got an ear full from her. Then we had to borrow elsewhere until paid off. We always paid the parents off. Now we do without.
rogueDK almost 12 years ago
“Lighten up, Francis.”
pauldamin almost 12 years ago
The bottom line is that Clinton never actually had extra money, he just got closer than anyone else in the recent past to balancing the budget (though I suppose you could say he did have extra money if you count intergovernmental loans).
hippogriff almost 12 years ago
pauldamin: The last president with a surplus was Grover Cleveland, but ballot-stuffing stopped that.
Stan King almost 12 years ago
Are you honestly going to try to float the argument that the debt has gone DOWN during Obama’s administration? Somebody definitely is drunk.