Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for February 25, 2013
Dutch: Rip, you look paler than a Maroon 5 concert! What's the matter? Rip: I just found out the love snake of my life - Dutch: Is what? Spill it, yah schoolgirl! Rip: She's mixed up with the (gulp!) Polynesian pirate empire! Dutch: The PPE are some nasty pirates, boy! Worse than the people who download music illegally! Does she owe them money, or what? Rip: No! She's the (sob!) queen! ka-pout! Dutch: Get a grip, boy! Don't make me comfort you.
Rod Gonzalez almost 12 years ago
Boy, Rip. you sure know how to pick ’em!
Peabody-Martini almost 12 years ago
Want to see some real pirates, check out the recording industry executives.
42Irish Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Ka-pout! Love it!
hvanderw647 almost 12 years ago
well at least it looks like his cold is gone !
alleyoops Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Hey, be proud. She’s #1 in her peer group.
Dragoncat almost 12 years ago
More like they owe her money.
SkyFisher almost 12 years ago
Huge Pirate-y Pouncez Haywire Hooligans!
DorianKTB almost 12 years ago
LOL over “Don’t make me comfort you!” Anyway, you know Cobra: everytime she gets out, Our Man Thompson pulls her back in! :-D